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To be clear, I'm an ordinary person, and not beloved character actor Bruce Greenwood.
The latest news from Cuba is that 10% of its population has left the island in the last two years. That's a stunning level of exodus, topped only by nations in total collapse like Venezuela and Syria. And yet, as we have seen in Syria, when a totalitarian regime switches to "bitter end" mode, a nation can get stuck at this level of misery for decades without the hoped for regime change happening. In Cuba, the USA can declare victory. American style capitalism won, Cuban style Marxism lost. It's time to change tactics to bring about the final regime change. If the USA drops its embargo, the Cuban government will lose its last excuse for why its economy's failures are not the government's fault. And allowing free movement of peoples, on the same conditions that the USA applies to other Caribbean nations, will put millions of Cuban citizens face-to-face with happy, wealthy Cuban Americans, living proof that a better way of life is possible for Cuba. And even if it doesn't lead to a regime change in Cuba right away, it's still worthwhile. Cuba would no longer have any incentive to threaten the USA militarily or through terrorism, so there's no downside risk to opening up. And the act of magnanimity would send a strong message to the other nations of the world that the USA is negotiating from a position of confidence and not fear.
Comment X 7mo ago
replying to My name is Thomas Veil, or at least it was


To be clear, I'm an ordinary person, and not beloved character actor Bruce Greenwood.
(Post-edit: see for the data backing the 10% claim)
Comment Comment X 6mo ago
Building YouCongress
I know someone who left Cuba this year, but wow, I had no idea that 10% of the population has left in the last two years! Is this issue being discussed widely? It would be great to add some relevant quotes to this poll for more context.
Comment Comment X 7mo ago
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