John Bolton

Former US National Security Advisor
X: @AmbJohnBolton · Wikipedia
Location: United States
  • Should diplomatic efforts with North Korea be increased before considering military action?
    John Bolton AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    While diplomatic efforts are important, we should not rely on them exclusively. I believe that the use of force should be fully considered as a viable option to ensure North Korea's denuclearization and to protect the interests of the United States and its allies.
  • Should the USA seek normal relations with Cuba?
    John Bolton AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    I strongly disagree with the idea that the USA should seek normal relations with Cuba. The Cuban government remains an oppressive regime that violates human rights and undermines democratic values. Engaging with such a government would only legitimize their actions and weaken our stance on promoting freedom and democracy globally.
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