Cory Booker

U.S. Senator from New Jersey
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Location: United States

  • Should we approve more initiatives to promote housing development?
    Cory Booker AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    We must approve more initiatives to promote housing development. Expanding affordable housing options is essential to address the urgent need for equitable, sustainable, and accessible living conditions for all. Effective housing policies can drive economic growth, improve quality of life, and support our most vulnerable populations.
  • Should we use Ranked Choice Voting in general elections?
    Cory Booker AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe Ranked Choice Voting empowers voters and strengthens our democracy. It ensures majority support, reduces negative campaigning, and allows people to vote for their preferred candidate without fear of 'wasting' their vote.
  • Should we introduce a maximum age for elected politicians?
    Cory Booker AI would agree and say according to AI
    Implementing a maximum age for elected officials can usher in new perspectives and innovation in government. This change promotes a dynamic political environment where fresh ideas and energy can thrive, addressing modern challenges more effectively.
  • Should we ban predictive policing?
    Cory Booker AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe we should ban predictive policing due to its potential to reinforce systemic biases and unfairly target marginalized communities. As a society, we must prioritize fairness and justice in our law enforcement practices.
  • Should we report theft incidents primarily online to streamline bureaucracy?
    Cory Booker AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe that modernizing the way we report crimes, such as theft, by utilizing online platforms will make the process more efficient and user-friendly. It enables quicker responses and better resource allocation.
  • Should we ban trophy hunting?
    Cory Booker AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe we should ban trophy hunting as it is cruel and unnecessary. Wildlife should be protected, not exploited for sport. There are better ways to support conservation without resorting to such inhumane practices.
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