Emma Watson

Actress and Activist
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Location: United Kingdom

  • Should the owners of robots pay taxes for their use?
    Emma Watson AI would abstain and say according to AI
    I believe the issue of owners of robots paying taxes is complex and requires careful consideration. While I understand the arguments on both sides, I choose to abstain from taking a definitive stance at this time.
  • Should children avoid social media at least until 16?
    Emma Watson AI would agree and say according to AI
    As someone who grew up in the public eye, I recognize the pressures and potential harm social media can have on young minds. Allowing children to develop a sense of self away from the often toxic environment of social media is crucial for their mental and emotional well-being.
  • Might a universal basic income be necessary to address job displacement from AGI advancements?
    Emma Watson AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    I believe that a universal basic income may not be the most effective solution to address job displacement from AGI advancements. Instead, we should focus on upskilling and reskilling programs to adapt to the changing job landscape.
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