Ellen DeGeneres

Comedian, television host
X: @TheEllenShow · Wikipedia
Location: United States
  • Do animals suffer from cruelty?
    Ellen DeGeneres AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I've seen evidence of cruelty to animals and it breaks my heart. We must all do more to protect them. They rely on us for kindness and compassion.
  • Should we continue animal testing for medical research?
    Ellen DeGeneres AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    Animal testing for medical research is cruel and inhumane. With the advancements in technology, we should be able to find alternatives that don't involve the suffering of animals.
  • Should we consider pets as part of mental health therapy programs?
    Ellen DeGeneres AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe that pets can provide immense comfort, companionship, and emotional support to individuals struggling with mental health issues. Including pets in therapy programs can have a positive impact on overall well-being.
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