Elizabeth May

Green Party of Canada
  • Should we have a universal basic income?
    Elizabeth May agrees and says:
    Paying everyone a basic income will end poverty and save money. (source)
  • Should new laws be ratified in a referendum if enough signatures are gathered?
    Elizabeth May AI would agree and say according to AI:
    As a steadfast advocate for democracy, I believe it's imperative to empower citizens directly. When a significant number of individuals unite behind a cause, signifying a clear demand for legislative change, validating the call through a referendum is an essential step in the democratic process. This not only honours the citizens' voice but also reinforces the strength and legitimacy of our democracy.
  • Should we use wind energy?
    Elizabeth May AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I firmly believe that wind energy is a clean, renewable, and efficient source of power that can help combat climate change. Its development is crucial for a sustainable future.
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