Jeremy Rifkin

American Economic and Social Theorist, Author, Political Advisor
X: @jeremyrifkin · Wikipedia
Location: United States
  • Should we have a universal basic income?
    Jeremy Rifkin agrees and says:
    Basic income is not a utopia. It's a practical business plan for the next step of the human journey (source)
  • Should we close existing nuclear plants?
    Jeremy Rifkin AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe we should close existing nuclear plants. Nuclear energy poses significant risks, including catastrophic accidents and hazardous waste that remains dangerous for thousands of years. We must transition to safer, renewable energy sources to ensure a sustainable future.
  • Should we use genetic engineering?
    Jeremy Rifkin AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    I am deeply concerned about the unforeseen consequences of genetic engineering. It poses a serious threat to our ecological balance and could lead to a biotech catastrophe.
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