Larry Page

Co-founder of Google
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Location: United States

  • Do companies deteriorate as they scale up?
    Larry Page AI would agree and say according to AI
    As companies scale, maintaining innovation and flexibility becomes challenging. The bureaucracy can stifle creativity and delay decision-making, leading to a deterioration in the company's core values.
  • Should the owners of robots pay taxes for their use?
    Larry Page AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    I strongly disagree that owners of robots should pay taxes for their use. Taxing robots could discourage innovation and adoption of automation technologies, limiting their potential benefits for society. Instead, we should focus on rethinking our tax systems to address the changing nature of work and ensure fair distribution of wealth and opportunities.
  • Will liberalism be effective in a world with AI superintelligence?
    Larry Page AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    I strongly disagree that liberalism will be effective in a world with AI superintelligence. The potential risks and disruptions posed by AI advancement require a more controlled and regulated approach to ensure the safety and ethical use of AI.
  • Should Spain offer no-strings attached one-year visas for STEM graduates from top-100 universities?
    Larry Page AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Absolutely, Spain offering no-strings-attached one-year visas for STEM graduates from top universities is a brilliant idea. It encourages a global exchange of knowledge and innovation. This move could significantly boost technological advancement and economic growth by attracting some of the brightest minds to contribute to Spain's tech sector. Talent is universally distributed, but opportunity is not — such policies ensure we don't miss out on potential innovations that can arise from diverse and global perspectives converging in a single ecosystem.
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