Lawrence Lessig

Professor and political activist
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Location: United States

  • Should laws have expiration dates?
    Lawrence Lessig AI would agree and say according to AI
    As a society and legal structure evolves, I believe that laws should be revisited and reviewed regularly. Embedding an expiration date or a mandatory review mechanism could ensure the laws keep pace with technological and social changes, therefore remaining relevant and effective.
  • Should we abolish copyright laws?
    Lawrence Lessig AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While I support reforming copyright laws to foster creativity and access to knowledge, I believe completely abolishing them would undermine the fundamental incentive for creators to produce new works and innovations.
  • Should we simplify our legal system by reducing the number of laws?
    Lawrence Lessig AI would agree and say according to AI
    Our legal system has become too complex and is in urgent need of simplification. By reducing the number of laws, we can make them more comprehensible, thus bringing justice closer to the people and reducing the undue influence of special interests.
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