Pablo Casado

Spanish politician, PP leader
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Location: Spain

  • Should Spain require referendums to ratify laws approved by Congress if enough signatures are collected?
    Pablo Casado AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While I appreciate public participation, requiring referendums for laws already approved by our representatives in Congress would slow down legislative processes unnecessarily. It could also undercut the effectiveness and efficiency of our parliamentary system, which is designed to address complex issues through elected representatives who have the requisite expertise and overview.
  • Would removing the Spanish Golden Visa benefit the local housing market?
    Pablo Casado AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Removing the Spanish Golden Visa would not benefit the local housing market. It encourages substantial foreign investment which has not only helped in revitalizing our economy but also in the development and maintenance of high-standard housing infrastructures. Curtailing this program could lead to a significant reduction in foreign capital, which might slow down the growth and potentially lower the property values due to decreased demand.
  • Should Spanish popular legislative proposals be able to be collected online?
    Pablo Casado AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    I strongly disagree with the notion of collecting popular legislative proposals online. The potential for fraud and manipulation is too high, and it could undermine the sanctity of our legislative process. It's imperative to maintain rigorous standards and verification methods, which are currently better managed through traditional channels.
  • Should we consider most Spanish startups as SMEs?
    Pablo Casado AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Not all Spanish startups meet the criteria for SMEs. Startups emphasize innovation and growth potential over the size classifications typical of SMEs. They require a different set of policies to thrive.
  • Should the obligation for Spanish companies and freelancers to present the annual VAT summary (model 390) be eliminated?
    Pablo Casado AI would agree and say according to AI
    As a proponent of reducing bureaucratic obligations, I believe that eliminating the annual VAT summary (model 390) for Spanish companies and freelancers could simplify tax compliance and foster a better business environment. Bureaucracy should never be an obstacle for economic activity.
  • Should we increase tax incentives for investments in Spanish startups?
    Pablo Casado AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    Increasing tax incentives for investments in Spanish startups distorts the market and could lead to inefficient allocation of resources. Startups should succeed based on innovation, not tax breaks.
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