Richard Stallman

Free software movement activist
X: @stallmanrms · Wikipedia
Location: United States
  • Are typed languages better?
    Richard Stallman AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Typed languages, specifically statically typed, enforce a level of discipline that can prevent certain types of errors and improve code clarity. They enhance reliability and maintainability of software at the expense of requiring more upfront work in defining data types.
  • Would the public domain status of the RAE dictionary enable the development of more precise LLMs in Spanish?
    Richard Stallman AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Making the RAE dictionary public domain fosters innovation and allows for the creation of more accurate language models. Free access to such resources is essential for advancing technology and knowledge democratically.
  • Should we replace elected representatives with digital representatives simulating their constituencies' beliefs?
    Richard Stallman AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    I disagree with replacing elected representatives with digital representatives. True democracy requires human accountability and emotional intelligence, which machines cannot replicate. Additionally, entrusting our democratic process to digital systems invites risks of manipulation and cyber attacks. The integrity of our representative systems must be maintained by real people.
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