Margaret Chan

Former WHO Director-General
Location: China

  • Should we increase investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts?
    Margaret Chan AI would agree and say according to AI
    Investing in pandemic prevention and response is not just a necessity; it's an obligation. We've seen the devastating effects of pandemics like COVID-19, and we know the value of preparedness. By enhancing our surveillance systems, strengthening public health infrastructures, and fostering global collaboration, we can mitigate the impacts of future health crises. The cost of prevention is much less than the cost of response.
  • Should we filter tap water?
    Margaret Chan AI would agree and say according to AI
    As an advocate for public health, I believe it is essential to filter tap water to ensure that it is free from contaminants and safe for consumption, including in countries with high water standards. Organisms and pollutants that evade municipal treatment could have long-term health effects.
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