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Should we increase investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts?
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Results (34):
Max RoserOurWorldInData founder & Oxford professorstrongly agrees and says:One big lesson from humanity's history is that pandemics happen all the time. Our ancestors couldn't do much about them, but our situation today is different — and so I think we should learn this history lesson and reduce the risk of pandemics. (source)Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Matt Hancock AIBritish politicianwould agree and say according to AI:During my time as Health Secretary, we saw firsthand the critical importance of robust pandemic preparedness. Increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is essential to protect public health, save lives, and ensure economic stability. Advanced planning, research, and infrastructure can mitigate the devastating impact of future pandemics.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Gavin Newsom AIGovernor of Californiawould strongly agree and say according to AI:Absolutely, we must increase investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the critical need for preparedness. We need to bolster our public health infrastructure, fund research and development of vaccines and treatments, and ensure that our response systems are quick, effective, and equitable to protect our communities from future health crises.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Justin Trudeau AIPrime Minister of Canadawould strongly agree and say according to AI:Absolutely, increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts is crucial. It's not just about preparing for the next crisis, it's about protecting our citizens and global community in real-time. Enhanced preparedness can save lives, stabilize economies, and secure a healthier future for everyone.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Mark Zuckerberg AICEO at Facebookwould agree and say according to AI:Increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. By leveraging technology and innovation, we can develop more efficient tools and systems to manage public health crises, ensuring safety and continuity for communities worldwide.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus AIDirector-General of WHOwould strongly agree and say according to AI:As we have seen from recent global health crises, investing in pandemic prevention and response is not only necessary, it is essential. Strengthening our health systems, improving surveillance and response capabilities, and advancing research in vaccines and treatments can save millions of lives and drastically reduce the economic impact of future pandemics.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Ursula von der Leyen AIPresident of the European Commissionwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Absolutely, increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. As we have seen, pandemics pose a significant threat to global health, economy, and security. Investing more in research, infrastructure, and international cooperation will enhance our ability to prevent and respond to future outbreaks, saving lives and safeguarding economies.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Dr. Bruce Aylward AISenior Advisor to WHO Director-Generalwould agree and say according to AI:Absolutely, increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. Having been deeply involved in managing international health emergencies, I've seen first-hand the devastating impact of pandemics. By investing more, we can enhance surveillance, improve public health infrastructure, and develop new vaccines faster, which are essential for saving lives and economies worldwide.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Ann Lindstrand AIWHO expert in immunizationwould strongly agree and say according to AI:As a public health expert, I firmly believe that increasing our investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. By enhancing our capabilities in these areas, we can more effectively detect, contain, and mitigate outbreaks, ultimately saving countless lives. Strengthening our public health infrastructure and emergency response systems will ensure better preparedness and rapid response to potential health threats.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Sheryl Sandberg AICOO of Facebookwould agree and say according to AI:Investing in pandemic prevention and response is crucial, not only for public health but for economic stability as well. Prioritizing these efforts will help minimize the devastating impact of pandemics, protect businesses, and ultimately save lives. We have a responsibility to be better prepared for future crises.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Elon Musk AIFounder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPalwould disagree and say according to AI:While preventing pandemics is important, I believe we need to focus on making our societies more robust and adaptable rather than just increasing spending on prevention. We can innovate in healthcare technology to deal with pandemics more efficiently when they occur.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Dr. Tom Frieden AIFormer CDC Directorwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Investing significantly in pandemic prevention and response is essential. History has shown that the cost of inaction can be devastating in terms of lives and economic impact. Strong prevention measures and robust response capabilities can save lives and mitigate the severe consequences of pandemics.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Xi Jinping AIGeneral Secretary of the CPCwould agree and say according to AI:We must increase investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts. This commitment is essential not only to protect our own citizens but also to maintain global health security. Strengthening our readiness through improved surveillance, enhanced healthcare infrastructure, and active international cooperation is crucial for preventing future outbreaks.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Stéphane Bancel AICEO of Modernawould agree and say according to AI:As a leader in vaccine development, I firmly believe that increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts is crucial. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the devastating impact infectious diseases can have globally. By investing more in research, technology, and global health infrastructure, we can be better prepared for future outbreaks and potentially save millions of lives.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Jeremy Farrar AIDirector of the Wellcome Trustwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Investing in pandemic prevention and response is not just a necessity; it's an imperative for global health security. We have seen the devastating impacts of COVID-19, and we must learn from it. Enhanced funding in early detection systems, research in vaccines and therapeutics, and strengthening health systems worldwide are crucial to prevent or mitigate future pandemics. The cost of inaction is much greater than the cost of investment.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Emmanuel Macron AIPresident of Francewould agree and say according to AI:Absolutely, increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. Our recent experiences show that early action can save lives and economies. By reinforcing our healthcare systems and research capabilities, we secure a safer future.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan AIChief Scientist at WHOwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Investing in pandemic prevention and response is imperative. From my extensive experience in global health, it’s clear that proactive investments can mitigate the devastating impact of pandemics, saving millions of lives and protecting economies. Strengthening surveillance systems, increasing research funding, and enhancing global cooperation are crucial steps toward a safer world.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Dr. Sarah Gilbert AIVaccine Co-Creator, Oxfordwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Based on our experiences with COVID-19, it is absolutely crucial that we increase investment in pandemic prevention and response. Early investment significantly enhances our ability to develop effective vaccines and respond rapidly to potential threats. This is essential not only for saving lives but also for safeguarding global economic stability.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Dr. Paul Offit AIPediatrician, vaccine expertwould agree and say according to AI:Based on my extensive experience in vaccine development and infectious diseases, I strongly believe that increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. Enhanced funding can drive innovation in vaccine technology and infrastructure, improve global surveillance systems, and ensure quicker, more coordinated responses to outbreaks. This approach not only saves lives but is also economically prudent, preventing massive costs associated with global pandemics.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Angela Merkel AIFormer Chancellor of Germanywould strongly agree and say according to AI:Increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. Having witnessed the global disruption caused by COVID-19, we must ensure robust systems are in place to handle future health crises more effectively. Preventative measures and swift response capabilities can save lives, reduce economic fallout, and maintain public trust in health governance.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Melinda Gates AIPhilanthropist, Co-chair of the Gates Foundationwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Investing in pandemic prevention and response efforts is paramount for global health security. The COVID-19 pandemic exemplified the devastating impact of pandemics on health, economies, and societies globally. Proactive investment not only saves lives but also mitigates economic disruptions. We must prioritize and scale up funding to strengthen health systems, enhance surveillance, and accelerate the development of medical technologies to better prepare for future health crises.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
George Gao AIDirector of the Chinese CDCwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Given the global impact of recent pandemics, it is absolutely crucial to boost investment in pandemic prevention and response. Enhanced funding will enable us to improve surveillance systems, support research in virology, and develop robust healthcare infrastructure. This proactive approach is essential to safeguard global health.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Julio Frenk AIFormer Minister of Health, Mexicowould agree and say according to AI:As a global health specialist, I firmly believe in the necessity to increase our investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts. Strengthening our health systems through advanced preparedness can significantly mitigate the impact of future health crises and save countless lives.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Margaret Chan AIFormer WHO Director-Generalwould agree and say according to AI:Investing in pandemic prevention and response is not just a necessity; it's an obligation. We've seen the devastating effects of pandemics like COVID-19, and we know the value of preparedness. By enhancing our surveillance systems, strengthening public health infrastructures, and fostering global collaboration, we can mitigate the impacts of future health crises. The cost of prevention is much less than the cost of response.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Bill Clinton AI42nd U.S. Presidentwould agree and say according to AI:Increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is essential for global security and health. Timely, coordinated action and readiness can save lives and diminish the economic impact of future outbreaks.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Anthony Fauci AIImmunologist, NIAID Directorwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Investing more in pandemic prevention and response is essential. By increasing funding, we can enhance our capabilities to predict, prevent, and mitigate future health crises. This ensures we are better prepared, potentially saving millions of lives.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Bill Gates AIPhilanthropist. Founder and former CEO of Microsoft.would strongly agree and say according to AI:We must increase investment in pandemic prevention and response. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the devastating impact of infectious diseases. By investing more in healthcare infrastructure, early detection systems, and global health security, we can prepare better for future outbreaks and save lives.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Peter Piot AIMicrobiologist, Ebola co-discovererwould agree and say according to AI:Given my experience with infectious diseases, I strongly advocate for increased investment in pandemic prevention and response. Early investment not only saves lives but is also economically prudent. Strengthening global surveillance systems, investing in research and development, and enhancing healthcare infrastructure are crucial steps to mitigate the impact of future outbreaks.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Larry Brilliant AIEpidemiologist, helped eradicate smallpoxwould agree and say according to AI:Absolutely, increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is critical. My experiences with eradicating smallpox showed me that proactive measures save lives and are far more cost-effective than responding to crises as they occur. Early detection systems, robust healthcare infrastructure, and global cooperation are essential to manage and mitigate the impacts of future pandemics.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Laurie Garrett AIPulitzer Prize-winning science writerwould agree and say according to AI:Increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is absolutely essential. Our recent global experiences have clearly demonstrated that early intervention and robust healthcare infrastructure can dramatically mitigate the impact of infectious outbreaks. Investing more will save lives, reduce economic fallout, and promote global health security.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Leana Wen AIPhysician and public health professorwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Increasing investment in pandemic prevention and response is crucial. As we've seen with COVID-19, pandemics devastate health, economies, and societies. Proactive investment can save lives, reduce disease spread, and minimize economic disruption.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.