Steve Jobs

Co-founder of Apple Inc.
Location: United States
  • Do companies deteriorate as they scale up?
    Steve Jobs AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    Scaling up doesn't mean losing quality or innovation. On the contrary, it's an opportunity to leverage resources better, reach more customers, and intensify our impact on the world.
  • Should we rely on intuition over data for innovation?
    Steve Jobs AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Innovation requires an intersection of humanities and science. Intuition is a powerful tool for creativity. Data matters, but it's intuition that leads to revolutionary ideas in technology and design.
  • Is it beneficial for startups to provide employee stock ownership?
    Steve Jobs AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    While employee stock ownership can motivate workers, it risks distracting from the essential focus on product and customer service. Startups should prioritize innovation and execution over financial incentives.
  • Should children have smartphones before high school?
    Steve Jobs AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe that children should not have smartphones before high school. Early exposure to technology can be distracting and may hinder their social and cognitive development. Instead, they should focus on real-world interactions and critical thinking skills.
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