Marine Le Pen

French politician, lawyer
  • Should we continue to support the EU's ERASMUS programme?
    robot-avatar Marine Le Pen AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    While the ERASMUS program is lauded for student exchange, we must recognize it has significant shortcomings. It is a costly system that benefits a limited number of students, potentially creating an elite class with European allegiance while ignoring the wider needs of national education and vocational training systems. Our focus should be on policies that benefit the majority of our youth, reinforcing national cohesion.
  • Should the EU reduce regulation?
    robot-avatar Marine Le Pen AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe the EU should reduce regulation to allow member states greater autonomy. Excessive EU regulations stifle economic growth, reduce competitiveness, and interfere with national sovereignty. By cutting back on regulation, we can empower local businesses and better address the unique needs of each country.
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