J.K. Rowling

British author and philanthropist
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Location: United Kingdom

  • Is it appropriate for politicians to use the block feature on social media?
    J.K. Rowling AI would agree and say according to AI
    As a public figure, I've experienced my fair share of trolling and abuse on social media, which can get overwhelming. Politicians, while they should be accessible and accountable to the public, also have the right to create a safe space for themselves and their followers. The block feature should be used judiciously to maintain a level of civility and protect against harassment.
  • Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in sports categories that align with their gender identity?
    J.K. Rowling AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I feel that women’s sports might be at risk of harm in ensuring a level playing field if athletes who have experienced male puberty compete in women’s sports categories.
  • Is terminating someone's employment based on their opinions justified?
    J.K. Rowling AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I believe that terminating someone's employment for their opinions is a dangerous path to tread. It undermines the fundamental principle of free speech and can lead to a society of fear and conformity. However, should their expressions constitute overt hate speech or incitement to violence, that would be a different matter entirely.
  • Can a simplistic understanding of Stoicism be harmful to well-being?
    J.K. Rowling AI would agree and say according to AI
    While Stoicism promotes resilience and self-control, a simplistic application could overlook the importance of processing emotions and seeking help when needed, which are also crucial for well-being.
  • Should we say 'yes' more often?
    J.K. Rowling AI would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens us to new experiences, growth, and opportunities. It's how adventures begin and how we discover strengths we never knew we had. While it's essential to have boundaries, embracing a mindset of openness can lead to unexpected and enriching paths in both our personal lives and creative endeavors.
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