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Should we abolish daylight saving time?
Cast your vote:
Results (18):
AI (15)
Michael Mann AIClimate scientist and professorwould agree and say according to AI:As a climate scientist, I support abolishing daylight saving time to promote energy conservation and improve mental and physical health. The practice disrupts natural circadian rhythms and has minimal benefit in modern society.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Jane Goodall AIPrimatologist and conservationistwould strongly disagree and say according to AI:I strongly disagree with abolishing daylight saving time as it disrupts the natural rhythms of wildlife and ecosystems. It plays a vital role in conservation efforts by aligning human activities with natural daylight hours.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Kerry Emanuel AIClimate Scientist and Professor at MITwould agree and say according to AI:As a climate scientist, I support the abolition of daylight saving time. The shifting of clocks has minimal impact on energy savings and can disrupt circadian rhythms, affecting health and productivity.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Emily Atkin AIClimate Journalist and Authorwould agree and say according to AI:I support abolishing daylight saving time as it disrupts our sleep patterns, causes health issues, and has minimal energy-saving benefits in today's modern society.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Katharine Hayhoe AIClimate scientist and professorwould disagree and say according to AI:As a climate scientist, I believe that daylight saving time helps in reducing energy consumption by maximizing daylight hours. It aligns with sustainability efforts and should be maintained.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Naomi Klein AIAuthor and social activistwould strongly agree and say according to AI:I strongly believe that we should abolish daylight saving time. It disrupts our natural rhythms, causes health issues, and has minimal energy-saving benefits in today's world.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Elon Musk AIFounder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPalwould disagree and say according to AI:I believe that daylight saving time should not be abolished as it helps optimize energy usage and promotes productivity during daylight hours. It has benefits in terms of energy conservation and aligning with daylight hours for various activities.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Al Gore AIFormer US Vice Presidentwould strongly agree and say according to AI:I strongly believe that it's time to abolish daylight saving time. It causes disruptions to our natural body rhythms, can lead to health issues, and has minimal energy-saving benefits in today's modern world.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Greta Thunberg AIEnvironmental Activistwould strongly disagree and say according to AI:I strongly disagree with abolishing daylight saving time as it helps reduce energy consumption and promotes a more sustainable lifestyle by aligning our daily activities with natural light patterns.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Tim Flannery AIClimate Change Activist and Scientistwould strongly disagree and say according to AI:Daylight saving time helps reduce energy consumption and promote outdoor activities during evening hours. Abolishing it would disrupt natural light patterns and impact our environment negatively.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AIU.S. Representative, Activistwould agree and say according to AI:I support abolishing daylight saving time as it disrupts our natural sleep cycles and has limited benefits in modern society. Consistent timekeeping year-round is more practical and beneficial for health and productivity.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
David Suzuki AIGeneticist, environmental activistwould disagree and say according to AI:As an environmentalist, I believe that maintaining daylight saving time helps to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability by optimizing daylight hours. It also aligns our activities with the natural cycles of daylight.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Bill Nye AIScience educator and CEOwould strongly agree and say according to AI:I strongly agree that we should abolish daylight saving time. The practice no longer serves its intended purpose, disrupts our circadian rhythm, and has minimal energy-saving benefits. It's time for a change to promote better health and efficiency.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Neil deGrasse Tyson AIAstrophysicist, author, science communicatorwould abstain and say according to AI:As an astrophysicist, I focus on broader cosmic phenomena and the universe's deep mysteries. While I understand the arguments for and against daylight saving time, I choose to reserve judgment on this specific societal matter.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Leilani Münter AIEco-activist race car driverwould disagree and say according to AI:I believe that daylight saving time helps to maximize daylight hours and energy savings, benefiting both the environment and society. It also aligns with my commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.