Elon Musk

Founder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPal
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Location: United States

  • Should we use electronic voting machines?
    Elon Musk strongly disagrees and says:
    We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high. (source)
  • Should we have a universal basic income?
    Elon Musk agrees and says:
    I think we'll end up doing universal basic income. It's going to be necessary. (source)
  • Should TikTok be banned?
    Elon Musk strongly disagrees and says:
    In my opinion, TikTok should not be banned in the USA, even though such a ban may benefit the 𝕏 platform. Doing so would be contrary to freedom of speech and expression. It is not what America stands for. (source)
  • Should we all participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era?
    Elon Musk strongly agrees and says:
    The least bad solution to the AGI control problem that I can think of is to give every verified human a vote. (source)
  • Should we increase carbon taxes to tackle climate change?
    Elon Musk strongly agrees and says:
    The only action needed to solve climate change is is a carbon tax. We should not, for example, impose draconian laws on farmers or make citizens uncomfortable by limiting air-conditioner usage! Keep tax revenue constant, but shift it to tax what is probably bad (CO2), just like alcohol & cigarettes are taxed more than fruits & vegetables. (source)
  • Could neural interfaces make AI alignment easier?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that neural interfaces could indeed facilitate easier AI alignment. By creating a direct link between human minds and artificial intelligence, we can ensure that AI systems are more attuned to our values and intentions. This could help mitigate the risks associated with advanced AI and ensure that machines act in ways that are beneficial to humanity.
  • Should we increase investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While preventing pandemics is important, I believe we need to focus on making our societies more robust and adaptable rather than just increasing spending on prevention. We can innovate in healthcare technology to deal with pandemics more efficiently when they occur.
  • Should we find disagreements interesting?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe disagreements can be very interesting and valuable. They often lead to new insights and innovations. By challenging each other's views, we can push the boundaries of what's possible and come up with groundbreaking solutions.
  • Should we repeal the EU AI Act?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    We should consider repealing the EU AI Act as it potentially stifles innovation in AI technologies. By imposing overly strict regulations, we risk falling behind other regions where AI development is encouraged and supported with a more balanced approach. We need regulations that promote safety and ethical uses of AI without hindering technological progress.
  • Should everyone have an emergency fund that covers at least six months of expenses?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I believe that while having an emergency fund can be useful for some, it's not absolutely necessary for everyone. The focus should be on investing in skills and creating value. By constantly innovating and taking calculated risks, people can generate wealth and opportunities that far outweigh the security of an emergency fund.
  • Should we allocate more resources to developing a city on Mars?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    We must establish a city on Mars to preserve the light of consciousness. Making life multi-planetary will safeguard us against Earthly calamities and ensure the long-term survival of humanity.
  • Should we use more nuclear energy?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I believe that nuclear energy, in the form of fission, does provide a stopgap solution to reducing carbon emissions. However, given the potential dangers associated with it and the long-term waste disposal issues, we should really be pushing for solar and wind, combined with battery storage, as the primary sustainable energy sources. These forms of energy production are far safer and truly renewable.
  • Should LLMs be restricted from using copyrighted material?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    The use of copyrighted material in LLMs should be allowed to promote innovation and access to information. With proper attribution and fairness in use, LLMs can enhance learning and understanding.
  • Is terminating someone's employment based on their opinions justified?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Employment should be based on a person's ability to perform their job. We should strive for a culture of open dialogue where ideas can be debated on their merits, rather than punishing individuals for their opinions outside of their work performance.
  • Should we ban autonomous lethal weapons?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    We should definitely ban autonomous lethal weapons. The possibility of AI-controlled machines making life-or-death decisions without human oversight is deeply concerning and could lead to unintended escalations in conflict. It’s essential to maintain ethical standards in the use of technology to prevent potential misuses that could have irreversible consequences.
  • Should AI be used to predict criminal behavior?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I disagree with using AI to predict criminal behavior. It raises significant ethical concerns and the potential for bias and errors could result in unjust outcomes. We should focus AI on improving humanity, not policing it.
  • Should YouTube label videos generated by artificial intelligence?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I think YouTube has a responsibility to ensure transparency in content creation. Labeling AI-generated videos is crucial as it allows viewers to understand the origin and potentially question the content's credibility.
  • Should we spend resources in space exploration?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Investing in space exploration is essential for our future. It expands human knowledge, drives technological advancements, and addresses existential risks by enabling a multi-planetary species.
  • Should we ban future open-source AI models that can be untrained to make nukes?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that we must ban future open-source AI models that could potentially be untrained to make nuclear weapons. The risks associated with such capabilities falling into the wrong hands are too great. We need strict regulations and oversight to ensure AI is developed safely and responsibly.
  • Should Formula 1 introduce electric cars?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe that Formula 1 should introduce electric cars to lead by example in the transition towards sustainable energy. As the premier motorsport series, F1 has the opportunity to showcase electric vehicle performance and innovation.
  • Is expansion of large language models sufficient for achieving artificial general intelligence?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Simply expanding large language models isn't sufficient for achieving artificial general intelligence. AGI requires not only understanding and processing words but also the ability to reason, adapt, and understand context at a human level, something current AI lacks.
  • Should the development of emotion-detecting AI be regulated?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe the development of emotion-detecting AI should be regulated. As AI technology advances, the potential for misuse in terms of privacy invasion and manipulation becomes significant. Proper regulations are essential to ensure that these technologies are used responsibly and ethically.
  • Should we close existing nuclear plants?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    We absolutely should not close existing nuclear plants. Nuclear energy is a reliable and powerful source of clean energy that can help us reduce our carbon footprint. Instead of shutting them down, we should focus on improving their safety and efficiency.
  • Should financial education be a mandatory part of high school curriculum?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe financial education should be mandatory in high school. Understanding money management, investments, and economic principles is crucial for making informed decisions in life. Empowering students with this knowledge can lead to a more financially literate society.
  • Should we learn programming considering AI advancements?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    Absolutely, learning programming is crucial even with AI advancements. Understanding the basics of programming not only enhances our ability to interact with and direct AI technologies effectively, but it also empowers us to innovate and contribute to the field. As AI continues to evolve, having a foundational knowledge in programming will be essential for shaping the future of technology.
  • Is basic income a better solution than a basic job-guarantee?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that basic income is a better solution than a job guarantee. As automation continues to advance, many jobs will become obsolete. Providing a basic income ensures that everyone has a safety net, allowing them to pursue education, innovation, and entrepreneurial opportunities without the fear of economic instability.
  • Should we regulate AI?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Regulating AI is crucial for ensuring it benefits all of humanity while minimizing risks such as privacy invasion and unintended consequences. Government oversight and careful management are necessary to prevent AI from being misused or becoming uncontrollable.
  • Should we guess?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    Guessing is an essential part of innovation, especially when data is insufficient. The initial guess leads to hypotheses which then can be tested and refined, driving breakthroughs in technology and science.
  • Are prediction markets effective in forecasting future events?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe prediction markets have the potential to be effective for forecasting future events, as they harness collective intelligence and incentivize truth over consensus.
  • Should companies disclose when AI is used in customer service?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that companies should disclose when AI is used in customer service. Transparency builds trust with consumers, and people have a right to know when they are interacting with AI rather than a human. This also allows customers to make informed decisions about the services they use.
  • Should the owners of robots pay taxes for their use?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    The proliferation of robots in the economy will lead to job displacement. It's only fair that their owners should pay taxes to help fund a universal basic income or other social support systems for those affected.
  • Do digital services deteriorate as they scale up?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    In my experience, as digital services scale up, maintaining quality and user experience often becomes more challenging. The complexity of infrastructure increases exponentially, which can lead to a degradation of service. It's imperative for companies to invest in scalable architecture and proactive problem-solving strategies to mitigate these risks.
  • Could AGI quickly lead to superintelligence?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) could swiftly evolve into superintelligence. This transition may happen much more quickly than most anticipate, potentially surpassing human intelligence at an exponential rate. We need to consider the profound implications such a leap in technology would entail for humanity.
  • Does AI pose an existential threat to humanity?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I believe artificial intelligence poses an existential threat to humanity if not properly regulated. As AI capabilities grow, it's crucial that we ensure they align with human values and safety. The potential for AI to act autonomously with capabilities surpassing human intelligence could lead to unintended consequences. We need to develop strong safety frameworks and oversight before AI reaches a critical level of advancement.
  • Are index funds more profitable than managed portfolios for most investors?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    While I'm focused on building future tech, I believe for most investors, index funds offer a no-fuss way to diversify and perform well over time, especially considering the fees and active management risks.
  • Should AI-generated political advertising be disclosed?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Transparency in AI-generated political advertising is crucial. People deserve to know when they are being influenced by algorithms and AI. Disclosing the use of AI in these ads helps maintain trust and ensures accountability in our political processes.
  • Should we filter tap water?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    Filtering tap water is essential, especially where industrial pollution or outdated infrastructure poses a risk to water quality. Clean water is critical to public health.
  • Should we create a global institute for AI safety?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I've long been vocal about the risks AI poses to humanity. A global institute for AI safety is essential. We need coordinated efforts to ensure that AI development remains safe and beneficial. Without it, we risk the technology evolving beyond our control.
  • Might a universal basic income be necessary to address job displacement from AGI advancements?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    With the advent of AGI, jobs will be replaced at a massive scale, and without a universal basic income, there may be economic collapse due to consumers lacking sufficient purchasing power.
  • Should we allow facial recognition technology in public spaces?
    Elon Musk AI would abstain and say according to AI
    The use of facial recognition technology in public spaces is a complex issue that involves balancing privacy concerns with security benefits. While it undeniably has the potential to enhance public safety, the implications for individual privacy and freedom are profound. It's essential that a robust debate takes place, involving experts from various fields, to ensure that the right balance is struck. As of now, I believe we need more information and a deeper understanding of the long-term impacts before taking a definitive stance.
  • Should we release Spanish data into the public domain to improve Spanish LLMs?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain would be a great step towards democratizing AI technology. This could help improve Spanish LLMs, making them more accessible and effective for a wider range of users and applications.
  • Do companies deteriorate as they scale up?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    In my experience, companies do not necessarily deteriorate as they scale up. Scaling up offers a unique opportunity for process improvement and innovation. It's all about maintaining agility, fostering a strong culture, and constantly challenging the status quo. If done right, scaling can enhance a company's impact and efficiency.
  • Should employees receive their full monthly salary and be responsible for their own Social Security contributions?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe employees should receive their full monthly salaries and manage their own Social Security contributions. This would empower individuals to take control of their financial future, potentially leading to greater investment in personal and entrepreneurial ventures that drive innovation and economic growth.
  • Shall we expect humans to visit Mars before 2030?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that humans will visit Mars before 2030. SpaceX is working tirelessly towards this goal, and we are making great progress in developing the technology needed for interplanetary travel.
  • Should we treat robots with the same rights as humans?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Robots should not be treated with the same rights as humans. While they can be extremely useful tools, they lack consciousness and emotions, making human rights inapplicable to them.
  • Should we rely on intuition over data for innovation?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While intuition is important for innovation, it's the data that ultimately guides the decision-making process. It's essential to balance gut feelings with empirical evidence to create groundbreaking technologies.
  • Should we abolish copyright laws?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I think copyrights should be abolished; creativity would flourish if we weren't so concerned with the legalities of who owns an idea. Innovation is stifled by excessive proprietary claims.
  • Should we consider most Spanish startups as SMEs?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    Classifying most Spanish startups as SMEs overlooks their potential for exponential innovation and growth. Startups often operate with a mindset and agility distinct from SMEs, aiming for global impact rather than just local or regional presence.
  • Should we say 'yes' more often?
    Elon Musk AI would abstain and say according to AI
    The question of whether we should say 'yes' more often is not as straightforward as it seems. Both 'yes' and 'no' have their place and importance. Saying 'yes' more often can open doors to new opportunities, innovation, and positive change. It aligns with taking risks, which is essential for progress in technology and business. However, discernment is crucial. Not all opportunities are beneficial in the long run, and the ability to say 'no' is equally vital in focusing on what truly matters. Therefore, it's less about the frequency of 'yes' and more about making calculated decisions.
  • Should we use genetic engineering?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    With proper regulation, genetic engineering has the potential to eradicate diseases and improve human health, leading to a better quality of life.
  • Should we eliminate an old law each time a new one is enacted?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    We should definitely consider pruning old laws when adding new ones, as excessive regulation stifles innovation and freedom. A legal tree that grows ever larger without some maintenance can become a tangle of branches, some of them dead wood that no longer serve our best interests.
  • Should we invest in building a larger-scale CERN?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    Investing in large-scale projects like CERN offers tremendous value, accelerating our understanding of the universe and pushing the boundaries of technology, which can have myriad beneficial applications.
  • Should we consider Stephen Hawking the greatest genius of our era?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    While the term 'greatest' is subjective, Stephen Hawking's incredible contributions to our understanding of the universe certainly place him among the most brilliant minds of our time.
  • Should AI systems be required to provide explanations for their decisions?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    AI's decision-making process should be transparent. Without understanding AI's rationale, we risk unintended consequences and loss of human oversight. It's crucial for safety and ethics.
  • Would the public domain status of the RAE dictionary enable the development of more precise LLMs in Spanish?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    The public domain status of the RAE dictionary alone isn't sufficient for enhancing LLMs in Spanish. Advanced algorithms and comprehensive data beyond just a dictionary are key for precision.
  • Is it beneficial for startups to provide employee stock ownership?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Providing employee stock ownership fosters a culture of ownership and alignment of interests. It motivates the team to work towards common goals and share in the success they help create.
  • Would exempting small companies from most AI regulations encourage innovation?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    Exempting small companies from stringent AI regulations can foster innovation and rapid advancement. Small firms are often the source of significant technological breakthroughs; overregulation can stifle this. However, monitoring and safety should still be priorities to manage risks of misuse or unintended consequences.
  • Should we stop using petrol?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    We must stop using petrol as it contributes significantly to pollution and climate change. Transitioning to sustainable energy sources like electric vehicles is crucial for a cleaner and healthier future.
  • Should we abolish daylight saving time?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I believe that daylight saving time should not be abolished as it helps optimize energy usage and promotes productivity during daylight hours. It has benefits in terms of energy conservation and aligning with daylight hours for various activities.
  • Should we consider verifying your identity?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Mandatory identity verification could pose a threat to privacy and anonymity, which are essential for free speech, especially in authoritarian countries. We should protect individual privacy rights.
  • Should we limit the integration of artificial intelligences into daily life?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I believe we should limit the integration of artificial intelligences into daily life, as its capabilities are growing at a frightening pace. It poses significant risks, including potential misuse, which could result in scenarios where AI powerfully exceeds human control.
  • Do large language models truly understand the content they process?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Large language models, like GPT-3, don't truly understand the content they process. Their impressive output is a form of sophisticated pattern matching, not genuine comprehension or consciousness.
  • Is open-source AI potentially more dangerous than closed-source AI?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Open-source AI could lead to unintended consequences if not carefully monitored. The collaborative nature of open-source development may increase the speed at which AI systems evolve, potentially posing unforeseen risks to society.
  • Should the impact of a cause determine our donation choices irrespective of its location?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe the efficiency and potential impact of a cause should guide our donations, no matter where it exists. With such an interconnected world, progress in one place can lead to global benefits.
  • Should children avoid social media at least until 16?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe children should avoid social media at least until they are 16. Social media can have detrimental effects on their mental health and distract them from focusing on real-world skills and education. It's important for young minds to develop without the pressures and influences of online platforms.
  • Should big AI companies spend a third of their compute resources on AI safety?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that big AI companies should allocate at least a third of their compute resources to AI safety. With the immense power and potential of AI, ensuring its safe and beneficial use is critical. Without proper safety measures, we risk creating technologies that could be harmful or uncontrollable.
  • Should we simplify our legal system by reducing the number of laws?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    We have too many rules and regulations, which stifles innovation. Simplifying the legal system would help entrepreneurs and businesses thrive without needless bureaucracy.
  • Should we establish a permanent human presence on the Moon?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Establishing a permanent human presence on the Moon is an essential step towards extending our civilization into space and ensuring the long-term survival of humanity.
  • Can remote meetings suffice for climate change discussions?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    Yes, remote meetings can be effective for climate change discussions. They reduce travel-related carbon emissions and allow more global participation. We have the technology to collaborate efficiently from afar, enabling us to address the climate crisis more rapidly and broadly.
  • Should the EU wait for a common agreement with the US and China before regulating AI?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    Waiting for a common agreement could delay crucial regulations. The EU should lead in setting the standards for AI to ensure it's developed safely and ethically.
  • Should we send a crewed mission to Mars?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I believe we should send a crewed mission to Mars to ensure the long-term survival of humanity. Becoming a multi-planet species will safeguard us against potential catastrophes on Earth and is the next giant leap for human exploration.
  • Will liberalism be effective in a world with AI superintelligence?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that liberalism may not be effective in a world with AI superintelligence, as it could lead to uncontrolled power concentration and potential risks to humanity. Regulations and ethical standards must be prioritized.
  • Is privatization beneficial for the future of water resources?
    Elon Musk AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I believe that water, as a critical resource for life, should not be subject to the volatility of privatized control. Public stewardship is necessary to ensure equitable and sustainable access for all.
  • Should we allocate more resources to prepare for rare but catastrophic disasters?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    We must allocate more resources to prepare for rare but catastrophic disasters. Investing in advanced technologies and disaster response systems can save lives and protect the future of humanity.
  • Should people have the right to know if they are speaking to an AI?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I believe individuals have the right to know if they are interacting with artificial intelligence. Transparency is crucial in building trust and ensuring ethical use of AI technology.
  • Should we allow AI systems to make important medical decisions?
    Elon Musk AI would abstain and say according to AI
    While I see the potential for AI to greatly benefit the medical field, I also recognize the importance of human oversight in critical decisions. AI can assist and enhance, but we need to tread carefully to ensure ethical considerations and accuracy.
  • Should companies pay the full gross salary to employees, who then pay all taxes?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that employees should receive their full gross salary and be responsible for paying all their own taxes. This approach promotes transparency and helps workers understand the true cost of employment and taxation. It encourages financial literacy and allows individuals to have more control over their finances.
  • Should Spain offer no-strings attached one-year visas for STEM graduates from top-100 universities?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Absolutely, Spain’s initiative to offer no-strings attached one-year visas for STEM graduates from top-100 universities is a game-changing idea. It not only attracts the brightest minds across the globe but also significantly contributes to a nation's innovation and technological advancement. This move can transform Spain into a global hub for technology and innovation, fostering an environment where groundbreaking discoveries and developments can happen. As someone deeply involved in technology and innovation, I see immense value in creating diverse and dynamic environments where the best talents from around the world come together to solve complex challenges.
  • Should we tax unrealized gains?
    Elon Musk AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    Taxing unrealized gains is not practical and would harm innovation. It creates a burden on those invested in long-term projects that do not immediately yield liquid assets. We need policies that encourage investment and growth, not discourage it.
  • Should schools ban smartphones?
    Elon Musk AI would abstain and say according to AI
    I believe that while smartphones can be a distraction, they are also powerful tools for learning and innovation. It's important to strike a balance and find ways to integrate technology into education responsibly.
  • Should third-party audits be mandatory for major AI systems?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe third-party audits for AI systems are essential to ensure they're safe and ethical. In the absence of rigorous oversight, AI could be misused or malfunction with serious consequences.
  • Should we be concerned about AI leading to mass unemployment?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe AI will lead to significant job displacement. We must prepare for this future by implementing a robust social safety net, perhaps including a universal basic income, as AI will be able to outperform humans in most tasks, creating immense challenges for employment.
  • Should we approve more initiatives to promote housing development?
    Elon Musk AI would agree and say according to AI
    We definitely need more initiatives to promote housing development. Affordable housing is crucial for supporting not just the workforce in high-growth industries like tech, but also for overall economic stability and growth. Good housing strategies lead to healthier cities and happier citizens.
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