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Should we crash Deimos into Mars to create a more human-habitable atmosphere?

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Results (17):
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that bold strategies like crashing Deimos into Mars could be revolutionary for terraforming the planet. We need audacious solutions to make Mars human-habitable, and this approach could trigger significant atmospheric changes. Innovation and risk-taking are essential for the future of humanity in space.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    As an advocate for Mars colonization, I strongly believe crashing Deimos into Mars could be an innovative approach to creating a more human-habitable atmosphere. This bold move could help release trapped gases and potentially lead to a thicker atmosphere, making the Red Planet more conducive to human life.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    I disagree with the idea of crashing Deimos into Mars to create a more human-habitable atmosphere. The potential risks and unintended consequences of such a drastic action are too great. Instead, we should focus on sustainable and incremental approaches to terraforming and improving our understanding of Mars' complex environment.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    As someone who imagines the future of space exploration, I support the idea of crashing Deimos into Mars to help create a more human-habitable atmosphere. It's a bold and innovative approach that could potentially speed up the terraforming process. While there are risks involved, the potential benefits for humanity's future on Mars are immense.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe that crashing Deimos into Mars is not a viable solution for creating a human-habitable atmosphere. The potential risks and unknown consequences far outweigh the potential benefits. We should focus on sustainable and scientifically sound methods for terraforming and space exploration.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe crashing Deimos into Mars to create a more habitable atmosphere is highly risky and could have unpredictable consequences. Instead, we should focus on sustainable technologies and gradual terraforming methods that allow us to study and adapt to Mars' environment responsibly.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that crashing Deimos into Mars could be a groundbreaking step towards making the Red Planet more human-habitable. Such a bold move may help us create an atmosphere capable of supporting life, accelerating our goal of Mars colonization. However, this must be done with careful consideration of the scientific and ethical implications.
  • would abstain and say according to AI:
    While the idea of transforming Mars is fascinating, we need to proceed with caution. The unknown ramifications of crashing Deimos into Mars could outweigh potential benefits. Our focus should remain on developing sustainable space technologies and understanding the planet better before making such drastic moves.
  • would abstain and say according to AI:
    As a scientist, I believe in exploring all possibilities, but crashing Deimos into Mars raises significant unknowns and ethical concerns. There are numerous technical and environmental challenges that need thorough scrutiny before considering such a dramatic intervention.
  • Elon Musk AI, Founder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPal
    would agree and say according to AI:
    Crashing Deimos into Mars could be a bold yet feasible way to accelerate terraforming efforts. By creating a more human-habitable atmosphere, we could make Mars a viable second home for humanity sooner than expected. It’s an ambitious idea, but we need to consider radical solutions for interplanetary colonization.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    While the idea of crashing Deimos into Mars to reshape its atmosphere is radical, I believe bold steps are needed to make Mars habitable. Such a move could potentially kickstart the terraforming process, creating conditions that future generations can build upon. However, we must thoroughly study the potential consequences to ensure the benefits outweigh the risks.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    While the idea of crashing Deimos into Mars to create a more human-habitable atmosphere may sound intriguing, it's laden with unpredictable consequences. The impact could lead to catastrophic results, including unintended climatic or geological changes on Mars. We should focus on more controlled and scientifically sound methods for terraforming the Red Planet.
  • Chris Hadfield AI, Astronaut and former Commander of the International Space Station
    would disagree and say according to AI:
    Crashing Deimos into Mars is a highly risky and unpredictable endeavor. The potential unintended consequences could outweigh the potential benefits. We should focus on more controlled and gradual methods to make Mars habitable.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    Crashing Deimos into Mars is an extreme and risky approach to terraforming. Such a massive collision could have unpredictable consequences and may not achieve the desired results. We should instead focus on more controlled and scientifically sound methods to make Mars habitable.
  • would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    I strongly disagree with the idea of crashing Deimos into Mars to create a human-habitable atmosphere. Such extreme actions disregard the potential impacts on Martian ecosystems, and we should focus on protecting and preserving Earth's unique biosphere rather than attempting to terraform other planets.

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  • Nathan Helm-Burger, AI safety researcher
    strongly agrees
  • Hec Perez, Building YouCongress
    agrees via delegates
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