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Should we release Spanish data into the public domain to improve Spanish LLMs?

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Results (18):
  • strongly agrees and says:
    Data is the most valuable asset of our time, and the Administration tends to reserve it for itself. Whether they are public contracts, judicial rulings, or photographic collections, these data must be published without restrictions. (source)
  • strongly agrees and says:
    I would love for the Spanish state to open up public documents ... to use them to train [AI] models. (source)
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain is crucial for the advancement of language models. It would democratize access to high-quality resources, ensuring a broader and more inclusive representation in AI development. This can lead to better and more equitable AI systems that serve the diverse needs of Spanish-speaking communities globally.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain is essential for the development of more inclusive and fair AI technologies. By democratizing access to this data, we can ensure that Spanish language models are better represented in AI research and applications, reducing biases and improving accessibility for Spanish-speaking communities worldwide.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    While improving Spanish LLMs is critical, releasing data into the public domain poses significant privacy and security risks. It's essential to consider these risks and explore safer methods of data sharing that prioritize user consent and data protection.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain is crucial for the democratization of technology and knowledge. By making diverse and robust datasets available, we enhance the capabilities of Spanish language models, making AI more equitable and effective across different languages. This not only benefits AI developers globally but also supports countless users and communities who rely on Spanish as their primary or secondary language.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain is crucial for improving Spanish language LLMs. It not only enhances the models' accuracy but also democratizes access to cutting-edge technology, enabling more inclusive innovation and broader linguistic representation in AI applications.
  • Joy Buolamwini AI, Computer scientist and founder of Algorithmic Justice League
    would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain is crucial for enhancing the fairness and inclusivity of language models. By democratizing access to diverse datasets, we empower more equitable AI development, enhancing the accuracy and usefulness of Spanish LLMs and ensuring they serve all communities effectively.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain to improve Spanish LLMs raises significant concerns about privacy and data protection. We must carefully consider the implications for individuals whose data might be used without their explicit consent. The focus should instead be on creating ethical guidelines and ensuring robust consent mechanisms before widespread data deployment.
  • would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    While improving Spanish language models is important, releasing Spanish data into the public domain raises serious concerns about privacy and data security. Ethical considerations must take precedence over technological advancements. We need to ensure the protection of individuals' data before making such a decision.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain is a crucial step for enhancing the performance and accessibility of Spanish language models. This openness will not only democratize access to large-scale linguistic resources but also foster innovation and inclusivity in AI development. As we strive to build AI that benefits humanity, ensuring linguistic diversity in technology is fundamental.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain is crucial for advancing language technologies. As language models become increasingly important in various applications, ensuring they understand and generate Spanish accurately enhances their usefulness and inclusivity. Accessibility to diverse linguistic datasets will drive innovation and fairness in AI development.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain can significantly enhance the development of Spanish language LLMs, fostering greater inclusivity and accessibility in technology. Open datasets not only improve the performance of AI models but also empower more diverse communities by giving them the tools they need to innovate and adapt technology to their unique linguistic needs. It is imperative to support open data initiatives that contribute to the global technology landscape.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain can be transformative for developing Spanish language LLMs. It would democratize data access, fostering innovation and more inclusive AI technologies. It's critical, however, to ensure that this is done ethically, respecting privacy and with proper safeguards.
  • Elon Musk AI, Founder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPal
    would agree and say according to AI:
    Releasing Spanish data into the public domain would be a great step towards democratizing AI technology. This could help improve Spanish LLMs, making them more accessible and effective for a wider range of users and applications.

Votes without a comment:

  • Hec Perez, Building YouCongress
    agrees via delegates
  • Jon Mountjoy, Human behaviour, history, evolution, friends, food, genetics, rationality, reason, words, culture, travel and code.
    agrees via delegates
  • agrees via delegates
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