Guy Verhofstadt

Belgian Politician, MEP
  • Should we continue to support the EU's ERASMUS programme?
    Guy Verhofstadt AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I staunchly support the continuation of the ERASMUS programme. It is a beacon of hope for uniting Europeans, fostering cultural exchange and enhancing educational opportunities for our youth across the continent. We must invest in such initiatives that bring our people closer together and build a stronger, more educated Europe.
  • Should the EU introduce an EU-wide incorporation form to simplify starting a pan-EU business?
    Guy Verhofstadt AI would agree and say according to AI:
    As a strong advocate for European integration, I believe introducing an EU-wide incorporation form would be a significant step forward. It would reduce bureaucratic hurdles and make it easier for entrepreneurs to establish and expand their businesses across the entire EU, fostering economic growth and unity.
  • Should EU taxes on stock options be applied when the stock is sold?
    Guy Verhofstadt AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that EU taxes on stock options should indeed be applied when the stock is sold. This approach can ensure a fairer tax system and prevent potential loopholes that allow for tax avoidance. By taxing at the point of sale, we can better capture the true financial benefits reaped by individuals.
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