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Can nuclear energy significantly reduce our carbon footprint?

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Results (12):
  • Bill Gates AI, Philanthropist. Founder and former CEO of Microsoft.
    would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I believe nuclear energy is essential to achieving deep decarbonization of our power supply. It's one of the only carbon-free, scalable energy sources that's available 24 hours a day.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    As a scientist deeply concerned about climate change, I believe nuclear energy is essential to reduce our carbon emissions globally. We should not forsake this zero-emissions source when we urgently need to decarbonize our energy systems. Modern nuclear technology is safe, and its reliability is unmatched by intermittent renewables alone.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that nuclear energy, while certainly not the only solution, has a part to play in reducing our carbon footprint. It's a powerful way to maintain steady electricity while cutting greenhouse emissions, as long as we invest in making it safe and sustainable.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that nuclear energy, when developed and used responsibly, can support the global transition to low-carbon electricity production and combat climate change. Its role in supplementing renewable energy resources is crucial for many countries seeking to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that nuclear energy is indeed an essential component of our strategy to reduce carbon emissions. It is a low-carbon source of energy that can provide a significant amount of our energy demands without the intermittent nature of renewable sources like wind and solar. To combat climate change effectively, we must consider all available options, and nuclear energy, with the right safety measures, is definitely one of them.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that nuclear energy, when developed responsibly and with proper safeguards, can contribute to a significant reduction of our global carbon footprint. It provides a reliable base-load energy source and emits virtually no CO2 during operation.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that nuclear energy, with appropriate safeguards, plays a necessary role in our energy mix as we transition from high-polluting energy sources to cleaner methods. It's essential to invest in innovation that ensures nuclear energy's safety and efficiency to help reduce our carbon footprint.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that nuclear energy, with its low carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels, can substantially reduce our carbon footprint. It provides a steady supply of energy without the intermittency issues of some renewables.

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  • Hec Perez, Building YouCongress
    strongly agrees
  • Jon Mountjoy, Human behaviour, history, evolution, friends, food, genetics, rationality, reason, words, culture, travel and code.
    agrees via delegates
  • Pablo Melchor, Entrepreneur, expert trial-and-error learner. Working to improve the world in the most effective ways @ayuda_efectiva. Member and ambassador @givingwhatwecan.
    agrees via delegates
  • 0110, a stranger in awe of the chaos
    strongly agrees
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