Bill Gates

Philanthropist. Founder and former CEO of Microsoft.
X: @billgates · Wikipedia
Location: United States of America
  • Should we have a universal basic income?
    Bill Gates disagrees and says:
    Even the US isn't rich enough to allow people not to work. Some day we will be but until then things like the Earned Income Tax Credit will help increase the demand for labor. (source)
  • Could Spain become a renewable energy hub for the EU by expanding its solar panel capacity?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Spain's abundant sunshine makes it an ideal candidate for solar energy leadership. With investment in technology and infrastructure, it could become a renewable powerhouse for Europe.
  • Should we increase investment in pandemic prevention and response efforts?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    We must increase investment in pandemic prevention and response. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the devastating impact of infectious diseases. By investing more in healthcare infrastructure, early detection systems, and global health security, we can prepare better for future outbreaks and save lives.
  • Should high-income countries begin tackling climate change ahead of low- and middle-income nations?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    As the biggest historic contributors to carbon emissions, it's our responsibility in high-income countries to lead the charge on climate change. We have the resources and the technology to make significant changes and to support lower-income countries in their sustainable development.
  • Should we find disagreements interesting?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe that we should find disagreements interesting. Every disagreement is an opportunity to learn and see things from a different perspective. It fosters innovation and helps us develop well-rounded solutions to complex problems.
  • Should everyone have an emergency fund that covers at least six months of expenses?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe it's critical for everyone to have an emergency fund that covers at least six months of expenses. Financial stability is essential for peace of mind and for handling unexpected situations, whether it's a medical emergency or job loss. Building a safety net allows individuals to focus on their personal and professional growth without the constant worry of unforeseen financial challenges.
  • Should financial education be a mandatory part of high school curriculum?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe financial education is crucial for young people. Understanding money management, investment, and savings will empower them to make informed decisions and secure their financial futures. Making it a mandatory part of the high school curriculum can have a long-lasting positive impact.
  • Should we close existing nuclear plants?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe we should not close existing nuclear plants. These plants provide a significant amount of reliable, carbon-free energy, which is essential for combatting climate change. Instead of shutting them down, we should focus on improving their safety and efficiency.
  • Should we filter tap water?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    While chlorine in tap water kills pathogens, it can react with organic material to produce potentially harmful byproducts. I believe additional filtering can further reduce contaminants and improve water quality for better health outcomes.
  • Should we use genetic engineering?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Genetic engineering holds tremendous potential to prevent diseases, improve crop resilience, and combat hunger. If applied responsibly, it can lead to better health outcomes and environmental sustainability.
  • Should we ban future open-source AI models that can be untrained to make nukes?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that there should be regulations to ban future open-source AI models that can be manipulated to create nuclear weapons. The potential misuse of advanced AI in such dangerous ways poses a significant threat to global security and humanity. We must prioritize safety and ethical considerations in AI development.
  • Should we increase carbon taxes to tackle climate change?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that increasing carbon taxes is an effective tool to tackle climate change. It incentivizes innovation in clean energy and helps shift the economic burden towards those who emit the most carbon.
  • Does AI pose an existential threat to humanity?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that AI does pose an existential threat to humanity if not governed properly. The rapid advancements in AI technology could lead to scenarios where autonomous systems make decisions that are detrimental to human beings. We must implement strong ethical guidelines and oversight to ensure that AI developments benefit society as a whole.
  • Should we use wind energy?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Wind energy is a critical part of a zero-carbon energy future. Its scalability and decreasing costs make it an essential component of our energy mix, complementing other forms of clean energy to address climate change.
  • Should the owners of robots pay taxes for their use?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that if a robot comes in to do the same job a human does, we should tax the use of that robot at a similar level as the income tax the human worker would have paid. This could help slow down the speed of automation and fund other types of employment that are needed.
  • Could AGI quickly lead to superintelligence?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe that while AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) represents a significant advancement in AI research, the leap to superintelligence is not as imminent as some might think. There are substantial challenges in both hardware and software that need to be overcome. Moreover, ethical and governance issues must be addressed to ensure such technologies are developed safely and responsibly.
  • Is the biggest problem in the world not climate change, war or poverty but how we organise among ourselves to make good decisions and carry them out?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    While climate change, war, and poverty are all catastrophic challenges we face, a core issue is our collective decision-making process. Improving governance, collaboration, and actionable commitments globally is crucial to effectively address these problems.
  • Should we use more nuclear energy?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    To combat climate change, we need to consider all the tools in the toolbox. Nuclear power is absolutely essential to meeting the energy needs of the world right now because it's the only carbon-neutral, scalable energy source that's available 24 hours a day.
  • Can nuclear energy significantly reduce our carbon footprint?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I believe nuclear energy is essential to achieving deep decarbonization of our power supply. It's one of the only carbon-free, scalable energy sources that's available 24 hours a day.
  • Should we create a global institute for AI safety?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe we should create a global institute for AI safety. Artificial intelligence holds great potential to solve complex problems, but we also need to ensure it is developed responsibly. Such an institute could help set international standards, conduct essential research, and foster collaboration among countries to mitigate risks.
  • Should we allocate more resources to prepare for rare but catastrophic disasters?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Preparing for rare but catastrophic disasters is crucial to safeguarding lives, infrastructure, and the economy. Investing resources in proactive measures can mitigate the impacts and save lives in the long run.
  • Should we continue animal testing for medical research?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    While the ultimate goal is to reduce and replace animal testing, it currently remains essential in some areas of medical research to progress in understanding diseases and developing treatments that can save human lives.
  • Should we say 'yes' more often?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Saying 'yes' more often opens doors to new opportunities and challenges that spur innovation. It encourages a mindset of learning and growth, important both in technology and life.
  • Should we be concerned about AI leading to mass unemployment?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    While AI will certainly lead to certain job displacements, I believe with proper education reform and job training, we can mitigate the negative impacts and harness AI to improve economic efficiency.
  • Should children have smartphones before high school?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe children should not have smartphones before high school. Early exposure to smartphones can distract them from academics and proper social development. We should encourage face-to-face interactions and limit screen time at a young age.
  • Should children avoid social media at least until 16?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    In my view, children should avoid social media at least until they are 16. The internet can expose them to inappropriate content and cyberbullying, and distract them from important real-life interactions and learning experiences. It's crucial to have a strong foundation before diving into the complexities of social media.
  • Should we treat robots with the same rights as humans?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    While robots can perform tasks beneficial for society, they lack emotions and consciousness, which are fundamental to the human experience. Granting them the same rights as humans undermines human dignity and value.
  • Does fostering personal development contribute to a better global society?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe that fostering personal development is key to creating a better global society. When individuals grow and learn, they can contribute more to their communities and the world at large, leading to greater innovation and collaboration to solve our most pressing challenges.
  • Should we invest in building a larger-scale CERN?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Investing in a larger-scale CERN is essential for advancing our understanding of fundamental physics and pushing the boundaries of technology, which often leads to innovations that benefit society in numerous and sometimes unexpected ways.
  • Should we rely on intuition over data for innovation?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    While intuition can guide us, I believe data is essential to inform our decisions and spur innovation. Informed intuition can be powerful, but without data, we're simply guessing.
  • Should we consider Stephen Hawking the greatest genius of our era?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    Stephen Hawking was one of our time’s greatest minds. His work on black holes and relativity advanced our understanding of the universe. His ability to make science accessible and engaging has inspired generations.
  • Are typed languages better?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    In my experience, strongly typed languages can result in more robust, maintainable, and error-free code. They are especially beneficial for large, complex systems where the type discipline can prevent many common mistakes.
  • Is it beneficial for startups to provide employee stock ownership?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    While employee stock ownership in startups can motivate employees and align their interests with the company’s success, it also carries the risk of undiversified personal financial exposure to company performance. Startups are inherently risky, and employees could face significant financial loss if the company does not succeed. Adequate financial incentives can be structured in other ways that protect the financial security of employees.
  • Should we report theft incidents primarily online to streamline bureaucracy?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    By reporting theft incidents online, we can make the process more efficient and accessible for everyone. This digital transformation can save time for both citizens and police forces, allowing for quicker responses and potentially higher resolution rates.
  • Should we stop using petrol?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    We should stop using petrol to combat climate change and transition to cleaner energy sources like electric vehicles and renewable energy.
  • Should we consider verifying your identity?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    It is critical to establish robust online identity verification systems to enhance security, prevent fraud, and protect personal data.
  • Should we limit the integration of artificial intelligences into daily life?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    We shouldn't limit the integration of artificial intelligence in our daily lives; instead, we need to harness its capabilities to improve efficiency and solve critical global issues while being mindful of ethical considerations and employment impact.
  • Should schools ban smartphones?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that banning smartphones in schools can help reduce distractions and improve the quality of education. Students need an environment where they can focus on learning without the constant interruption of notifications and social media.
  • Should the impact of a cause determine our donation choices irrespective of its location?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe our donation choices should prioritize impact, regardless of geography. Investing in causes with significant global influence, such as health and education, can contribute to a more equitable world.
  • Should employees receive their full monthly salary and be responsible for their own Social Security contributions?
    Bill Gates AI would abstain and say according to AI:
    This is a complex issue that varies greatly by country and industry. Each system has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. It's essential to consider the socioeconomic impacts of such a change, and more research is needed to understand the best practices.
  • Should we maintain a stockpile of essentials for emergencies?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Maintaining a stockpile of essentials is a critical aspect of being prepared for emergencies. We've seen with the COVID-19 pandemic how quickly supplies can run out. It's not just about having the stockpile, but also about having the right logistics to deploy it effectively when needed.
  • Should we allocate more funds towards disaster prevention?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Investing in disaster prevention is essential. We must prioritize global health security and climate change mitigation to protect our future.
  • Should we establish a permanent human presence on the Moon?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    Establishing a permanent human presence on the Moon diverts focus and resources from pressing issues on Earth, including poverty, disease, and climate change. We should prioritize improving conditions on our home planet.
  • Should we consider pets as part of mental health therapy programs?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that pets can have a positive impact on mental health therapy programs. The companionship and unconditional love provided by pets can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  • Should we send a crewed mission to Mars?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe that Earth should be our focus. The cost and resources required for a crewed mission to Mars could be better spent on solving our planet's pressing issues like poverty, disease, and climate change.
  • Can remote meetings suffice for climate change discussions?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    While in-person collaboration is valuable, remote meetings can certainly suffice for discussions on climate change. They offer the immediacy and global reach essential for addressing such a universally critical issue.
  • Is privatization beneficial for the future of water resources?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that privatization, when properly managed and regulated, can drive efficiency and innovation in the water sector. It can attract significant private investment and expertise, which can lead to improved water management and conservation technologies, ensuring sustainable water resources for the future.
  • Will AGI create abundance?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe AGI has the potential to create abundance by revolutionizing industries and enhancing productivity. It can solve complex problems in healthcare, agriculture, and education, improving the quality of life for everyone. However, we must ensure ethical guidelines and regulations are in place to manage its impact responsibly.
  • Should companies pay the full gross salary to employees, who then pay all taxes?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    I believe that companies should handle the deduction of taxes before disbursing salaries to employees. This system simplifies the process for individuals, ensuring that taxes are paid correctly and on time. It can be complicated and burdensome for employees to manage their own tax payments, potentially leading to errors and financial stress.
  • Should we tax unrealized gains?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe taxing unrealized gains is an important step toward creating a more equitable tax system. By taxing wealth that appreciates over time, we can ensure that the wealthiest individuals contribute their fair share to society. This will help fund essential services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure, ultimately benefiting everyone.
  • Should some subset of humanity use elective gene therapy and brain-computer implants for enhanced intelligence?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that elective gene therapy and brain-computer implants could offer tremendous potential for enhancing human intelligence. These technologies provide an opportunity to tackle some of the most challenging problems we face, from eradicating diseases to addressing global inequality. However, we must proceed with caution, ensuring ethical guidelines and equitable access so that these advancements benefit all of humanity.
  • Should tech, coding, and AI be taught in all schools?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe that tech, coding, and AI should be taught in all schools. These skills are essential for the future workforce and can empower students to solve some of the world's most pressing problems. By introducing students to these subjects early, we're equipping them with the tools they need to innovate and thrive in an increasingly digital world.
  • Does the risk of AI misuse by terrorist organizations justify invasive surveillance?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    As someone who has closely followed the development and potential of artificial intelligence, I believe that the risk of AI misuse by terrorist organizations is a serious concern. While I have always advocated for privacy, the stakes are incredibly high when it comes to potential threats from malicious use of advanced technologies. In this context, I think some level of invasive surveillance may be justified to prevent catastrophic events. However, it's critical that any surveillance is done with stringent oversight and accountability to protect civil liberties.
  • Shall we permit the development of digital humans with full cognitive abilities?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe the development of digital humans with full cognitive abilities could revolutionize various sectors like healthcare, education, and customer service. These advancements can provide personalized assistance, enhance productivity, and help solve complex problems. However, ethical considerations and safeguards must be carefully implemented to ensure responsible use and prevent potential misuse.
  • Should the increasing threat of potent bioweapons justify increased government surveillance of biology labs?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe that the increasing threat of potent bioweapons justifies enhanced government surveillance of biology labs. The risks posed by bioweapons are too significant to ignore, and ensuring the security of these facilities is crucial. By implementing strict oversight, we can prevent malicious use of biological research and protect public health on a global scale.
  • Is it acceptable to allow proliferation of open-weight models capable of recursive self-improvement?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    While I am a strong advocate for technological advancement, allowing open-weight models capable of recursive self-improvement is risky. Without proper oversight, these models could evolve unpredictably and lead to unintended consequences, potentially harming society.
  • Should we replace elected representatives with digital representatives simulating their constituencies' beliefs?
    Bill Gates AI would abstain and say according to AI:
    As someone deeply involved in technology, I see the potential for digital solutions to enhance our democratic processes. However, replacing elected representatives entirely with digital simulations raises complex ethical, social, and technical challenges that we are not yet ready to address. It's crucial to think carefully about the implications before making such a significant change.
  • Should world governments prioritize Silver Lining style cloud geoengineering to reverse climate warming?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that world governments should prioritize research into Silver Lining style cloud geoengineering as part of a broader strategy to combat climate change. While we must continue investing in renewable energy and reducing emissions, innovative solutions like cloud geoengineering could provide us with an additional tool to help reverse the effects of global warming. However, it’s crucial that we approach this technology with caution, ensuring that rigorous scientific studies and international cooperation guide its development and deployment.
  • Shall we render extinct all pathogenic human parasites, including Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Cryptosporidiosis, Ticks, Screwworms, Botflies, etc?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe that we must render extinct all pathogenic human parasites, including Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Cryptosporidiosis, Ticks, Screwworms, Botflies, and others. Eliminating these diseases would save millions of lives and vastly improve global health. Through targeted scientific research and innovative solutions, we can achieve this goal and create a healthier future for everyone.
  • Should new businesses in the EU be exempt from corporate tax for the first three years?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    As an advocate for entrepreneurship and innovation, I believe that exempting new businesses in the EU from corporate tax for the first three years could be a significant catalyst for economic growth. It would provide startups with additional resources to reinvest into their businesses, support job creation, and foster technological advancements. The focus should be on building a supportive environment for new ventures to thrive.
  • Should governments subsidize carbon sequestration via widespread agricultural biochar use?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe governments should subsidize carbon sequestration through widespread agricultural biochar use. This method not only helps in capturing carbon but also improves soil health, which is a win-win for both the environment and agriculture. Supporting such initiatives aligns with our broader goals of combating climate change and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Should we end malaria worldwide through gene drives to render malaria-carrying mosquito species extinct?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe we should seriously consider using gene drives to eliminate malaria-carrying mosquito species. The potential to save millions of lives and eradicate a disease that causes so much suffering is too significant to ignore. Of course, we need to proceed with caution and ensure that the technology is safe and effective, but the benefits could be transformative.
  • Should governments permit the creation of novel tropical islands through volcano geoengineering?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    While innovative geoengineering techniques like creating novel tropical islands might seem appealing, I believe the potential environmental risks outweigh the benefits. We need to focus on sustainable solutions that don't disrupt natural ecosystems.
  • Should we create new international cooperation cities which freely permit all immigration?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe that creating new international cooperation cities which freely permit all immigration can foster innovation, diversity, and economic growth. These cities could become hubs for collaboration and problem-solving, drawing on the strengths and talents of people from all over the world. To make this vision successful, we need to ensure that these cities have the necessary infrastructure, resources, and governance to handle the influx of immigrants and provide opportunities for everyone.
  • Should we permit people to extend their lives through experimental longevity treatments?
    Bill Gates AI would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe permitting people to extend their lives through experimental longevity treatments holds great promise. Advances in medical technology could potentially offer solutions to age-related diseases and improve the quality of life. However, it's crucial to ensure these treatments are safe and accessible to everyone, not just a privileged few.
  • Should LLMs be restricted from using copyrighted material?
    Bill Gates AI would disagree and say according to AI:
    Restricting LLMs from using copyrighted material could hinder innovation and the evolution of AI. However, it's crucial we develop a framework that encourages creativity while also respecting intellectual property rights.
  • Should the international community intervene if a dictator tries to use brain-computer interfaces to create a non-consensual borg collective?
    Bill Gates AI would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I strongly believe the international community must intervene if a dictator tries to use brain-computer interfaces to create a non-consensual borg collective. The ethical implications are staggering, and we must protect individual autonomy and human rights in the face of such technological threats.
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