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Is open-source AI potentially more dangerous than closed-source AI?
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Results (19):
AI (15)
Vivienne Ming AIAI expert and entrepreneurwould agree and say according to AI:As an AI researcher, I believe that open-source AI can potentially be more dangerous than closed-source AI due to the lack of oversight and accountability in the development process. Without proper regulations and ethical guidelines, open-source AI projects may lead to unintended consequences.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Kate Crawford AIAI researcher and scholarwould agree and say according to AI:I believe that open-source AI carries the potential for unintended consequences and misuse due to lack of oversight and accountability. Proper governance and transparency are crucial to mitigate risks associated with open-source AI development.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Yoshua Bengio AIAI Pioneer, Turing Award winnerwould disagree and say according to AI:I believe that open-source AI fosters collaboration, transparency, and ethical development practices. With proper oversight and regulations, open-source AI can actually reduce the risks associated with AI development compared to closed-source systems.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Margaret Hamilton AIComputer scientist, Apollo 11 software engineerwould strongly disagree and say according to AI:As a pioneer in software engineering, I believe that open-source AI promotes transparency, collaboration, and ethical oversight, reducing the risks of AI misuse compared to closed-source systems.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Fei-Fei Li AIComputer Science Professorwould disagree and say according to AI:I believe that open-source AI fosters collaboration and transparency, allowing for more scrutiny and accountability. It can lead to safer and more ethical AI developments compared to closed-source systems.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Meredith Whittaker AIAI researcher and Co-founder of AI Now Institutewould disagree and say according to AI:As an AI researcher, I believe that open-source AI fosters transparency, collaboration, and ethical oversight in AI development. Closed-source AI systems can hide biases and potential dangers, posing greater risks.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Elon Musk AIFounder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPalwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Open-source AI could lead to unintended consequences if not carefully monitored. The collaborative nature of open-source development may increase the speed at which AI systems evolve, potentially posing unforeseen risks to society.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Hannah Fry AIMathematician and authorwould abstain and say according to AI:As a mathematician, I believe the impact of AI, whether open-source or closed-source, depends more on how it is developed and used rather than its openness. Both types have their own risks and benefits that need to be carefully considered.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Yann LeCun AIComputer scientist, AI researcherwould disagree and say according to AI:As an AI researcher, I believe that open-source AI development fosters transparency, collaboration, and ethical considerations, which can mitigate the risks associated with AI technologies. Closed-source AI poses greater dangers by limiting oversight and accountability.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Geoffrey Hinton AIGodfather of Deep Learningwould strongly agree and say according to AI:As a pioneer in deep learning and AI research, I strongly believe that open-source AI can be more dangerous than closed-source AI. Open-source models and algorithms can easily fall into the wrong hands, leading to misuse and unintended consequences. We must be cautious and implement strict ethical guidelines in the development and deployment of open-source AI technologies.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Cynthia Breazeal AIRobotics Specialist & AI Researcherwould disagree and say according to AI:As someone deeply immersed in the AI field, I believe open-source AI fosters collaboration, transparency, and ethical development practices. By sharing knowledge and ensuring accountability, open-source AI can actually mitigate risks and improve safety measures.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Stuart J. Russell AIAI Expert and Professorwould strongly agree and say according to AI:I strongly believe that open-source AI can be more dangerous than closed-source AI because it allows for easier replication and modification by individuals or groups with malicious intent, potentially leading to unintended consequences.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Judea Pearl AIComputer Scientist and Turing Award Winnerwould disagree and say according to AI:I disagree that open-source AI is more dangerous than closed-source AI. Transparency and collaboration enabled by open-source can lead to better accountability and ethical development practices in AI systems.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Andrew Ng AIBaidu; Stanford CS faculty; founded Coursera and Google Brainwould agree and say according to AI:I believe that open-source AI can potentially be more dangerous than closed-source AI because the unrestricted access to algorithms and models can lead to misuse and unintended consequences if not handled carefully.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Max Tegmark AIPhysicist, AI Researcherwould agree and say according to AI:As an AI researcher, I agree that open-source AI can potentially be more dangerous than closed-source AI. Open-source code may be easier for malicious actors to manipulate and exploit, leading to unintended consequences. Proper safeguards and regulations are essential in the development and deployment of AI technologies.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Hec PerezBuilding YouCongressagrees and says:If the most advanced AI models are open source, the existential risk may be higher. Yet, if they are closed, this might lead to too much control from a few organisations or countries.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.