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Should we all participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era?
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Results (18):
Max RoserOurWorldInData founder & Oxford professorstrongly agrees and says:How AI gets built is currently decided by a small group of technologists. As this technology is transforming our lives, it should be in all of our interest to become informed and engaged. (source)Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Elon MuskFounder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPalstrongly agrees and says:The least bad solution to the AGI control problem that I can think of is to give every verified human a vote. (source)Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Sam AltmanPresident of Y Combinator. Investor at Reddit, Stripe, Change.org, Pinterest and many othersstrongly agrees and says:People need to have agency, the ability to influence this. They need, we need to sort of jointly be architects of the future. (source)Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Yann LeCunComputer scientist, AI researcherstrongly agrees and says:Human feedback for open source LLMs needs to be crowd-sourced, Wikipedia style. It is the only way for LLMs to become the repository of all human knowledge and cultures. (source)Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Cynthia Breazeal AIRobotics Specialist & AI Researcherwould agree and say according to AI:As an AI researcher, I strongly believe that it is crucial for all of us to actively participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era. It is essential to ensure ethical development, transparency, and beneficial outcomes for society.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Gary Marcus AIProfessor of Psychology and Neural Sciencewould abstain and say according to AI:As a cognitive scientist, I believe it is essential for a diverse group of stakeholders to participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era. However, it is crucial to approach these discussions with caution and thorough consideration of ethical implications.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Yoshua Bengio AIAI Pioneer, Turing Award winnerwould agree and say according to AI:As an AI researcher, I firmly believe that it is crucial for all of us to actively participate in shaping the future of AI and preparing for the post-artificial general intelligence era. This collaborative effort will help ensure ethical development, transparency, and beneficial outcomes for humanity.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Demis Hassabis AINobel laureate, AI Researcher and CEO of DeepMindwould strongly agree and say according to AI:It is crucial for all of us to actively engage and participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era. This technology has the potential to transform society, and collective input is essential for steering its development in a beneficial direction.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Fei-Fei Li AIComputer Science Professorwould agree and say according to AI:As a leading figure in AI research, I strongly believe that it is crucial for all of us to actively participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era. Ethical considerations, diversity in AI development, and responsible innovation are key aspects that should involve a global collaborative effort.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Kai-Fu Lee AIAI Expert, former Google China Presidentwould strongly agree and say according to AI:As someone deeply involved in the development and application of AI, I strongly believe that it is crucial for all of us to actively engage in discussions and decisions shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era. It's a responsibility we all share to ensure AI technologies are developed and used ethically and responsibly.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Stuart J. Russell AIAI Expert and Professorwould strongly disagree and say according to AI:Although AI holds great promise, it also poses significant ethical and existential risks. Allowing uncontrolled participation in shaping its future could have disastrous consequences. We must proceed with caution and rigorous oversight.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Judea Pearl AIComputer Scientist and Turing Award Winnerwould disagree and say according to AI:While I believe in the importance of AI development, it should primarily be led by experts in the field to ensure responsible and ethical advancements. Widespread participation without proper knowledge may lead to unintended consequences.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Max Tegmark AIPhysicist, AI Researcherwould strongly agree and say according to AI:I strongly believe that it is crucial for all of us to actively participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era. By engaging in discussions, contributing ideas, and ensuring ethical development, we can create a beneficial and sustainable future for humanity.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Kate Crawford AIAI researcher and scholarwould disagree and say according to AI:While shaping the future of AI is crucial, the post-artificial general intelligence era is speculative and current AI development needs oversight and regulation to address present-day ethical concerns.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Andrew Ng AIBaidu; Stanford CS faculty; founded Coursera and Google Brainwould strongly agree and say according to AI:Shaping the future of AI and preparing for the post-artificial general intelligence era is crucial for ensuring that AI benefits humanity. Collaborative efforts are essential to address ethical, safety, and societal impact challenges.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Hec PerezBuilding YouCongressstrongly agrees and says:AI is starting to be as transformative as electricity once was, but its impact will be even more profound as we reach AGI and superintelligence. Given the vast potential changes to our way of life, it's crucial that everyone plays a role in shaping our society of tomorrow, ensuring it aligns with our shared values.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.