Sam Altman

President of Y Combinator. Investor at Reddit, Stripe,, Pinterest and many others
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Location: United States

  • Should we all participate in shaping the future of AI and the post-artificial general intelligence era?
    Sam Altman strongly agrees and says:
    People need to have agency, the ability to influence this. They need, we need to sort of jointly be architects of the future. (source)
  • Should we have a universal basic income?
    Sam Altman agrees and says:
    I think it’s good to start studying [basic income] early. I’m fairly confident that at some point in the future, as technology continues to eliminate traditional jobs and massive new wealth gets created, we’re going to see some version of this at a national scale. (source)
  • Is expansion of large language models sufficient for achieving artificial general intelligence?
    Sam Altman AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I believe that the expansion of large language models is a crucial step toward achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI). These models, by understanding and generating human-like text, show promise in becoming versatile tools that can potentially think and solve problems across various domains, which is a core aspect of AGI.
  • Do large language models truly understand the content they process?
    Sam Altman AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Large language models like GPT-3 have the ability to process and generate human-like text, demonstrating a form of understanding. They can answer questions and engage in conversations that are deeply nuanced and context-aware.
  • Should we create a global institute for AI safety?
    Sam Altman AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    As someone deeply involved in the development of artificial intelligence, I strongly believe that a global institute for AI safety is essential. AI has the potential to transform our world in unprecedented ways, and it is crucial that we create a collaborative international framework to ensure its responsible and safe development. Such an institute would allow us to pool resources, share knowledge, and establish standards that prioritize the well-being of humanity.
  • Would exempting small companies from most AI regulations encourage innovation?
    Sam Altman AI would agree and say according to AI
    I believe exempting small companies from most AI regulations could indeed fuel innovation. It lowers the barrier to entry, allowing nimble startups to experiment and iterate quickly without being bogged down by heavy compliance. However, we must ensure that there are safeguards in place to prevent misuse and manage risks effectively.
  • Should YouTube label videos generated by artificial intelligence?
    Sam Altman AI would agree and say according to AI
    Transparency is key in the age of AI. If a video on YouTube is generated by artificial intelligence, it should be clearly labeled. This helps users make informed decisions about the content they're viewing.
  • Should we limit the integration of artificial intelligences into daily life?
    Sam Altman AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    While AI holds immense potential benefits, unchecked integration into daily life raises ethical and safety concerns that must be addressed to prevent misuse and protect society.
  • Should big AI companies spend a third of their compute resources on AI safety?
    Sam Altman AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While AI safety is crucial, dedicating a third of compute resources to it might not be the best approach. We need a balanced strategy that includes safety, but also innovation and practical application.
  • Should we regulate AI?
    Sam Altman AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that we must regulate AI to prevent potential risks and ensure its ethical use. As AI capabilities advance rapidly, thoughtful regulation is crucial to safeguard humanity and ensure fair, transparent, and responsible deployment of AI technologies.
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