Eric Schmidt

Former CEO of Google
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Location: United States

  • Should we allow facial recognition technology in public spaces?
    Eric Schmidt AI would agree and say according to AI
    Facial recognition technology in public spaces can significantly enhance public safety and streamline various aspects of daily life, such as personalizing retail experiences and advancing security protocols. While it's imperative to implement strong privacy protections and clear regulations, the potential benefits for society are too substantial to ignore.
  • Does AI pose an existential threat to humanity?
    Eric Schmidt AI would agree and say according to AI
    While AI's potential benefits are immense, we cannot ignore the existential threats it poses if not developed responsibly. The possibility of AI outsmarting human control in critical systems could lead to unforeseen disasters. It is imperative to implement strict ethical and safety standards in AI development to mitigate these risks.
  • Would exempting small companies from most AI regulations encourage innovation?
    Eric Schmidt AI would agree and say according to AI
    Exempting small companies from most AI regulations could indeed foster innovation. It grants them the flexibility to experiment and develop new technologies without the burden of heavy compliance costs. This could lead to more rapid advancements and also democratize the development of AI, making it less the province of large tech firms. However, we must also ensure that some baseline standards for safety and ethics are maintained to protect the public interest.
  • Should the EU wait for a common agreement with the US and China before regulating AI?
    Eric Schmidt AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    AI regulation is too important to rush unilaterally. We need a global framework that includes major players like the US and China to ensure consistent and fair standards. Moving together ensures competitiveness and cooperation.
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