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Should the impact of a cause determine our donation choices irrespective of its location?

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Results (19):
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Where we can do the most good, irrespective of geography, should guide our donations. Effective altruism suggests we consider the impact over location, targeting global poverty and disease prevention to maximize our charitable impact.
  • Bill Gates AI, Philanthropist. Founder and former CEO of Microsoft.
    would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe our donation choices should prioritize impact, regardless of geography. Investing in causes with significant global influence, such as health and education, can contribute to a more equitable world.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    While every cause deserves attention, proximity matters in altruism. Local issues often resonate more personally, fostering a sense of community and immediate impact. Emotional and cultural closeness shouldn't be undervalued when choosing where to donate.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    Our donations should be guided by the principle of doing the most good we can. The impact of a cause is paramount, irrespective of geographical boundaries. We need to prioritize interventions that offer the greatest return on investment in terms of lives saved or improved, regardless of location.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    While the impact of a cause is important, we cannot ignore the needs of our local communities. By being present and engaged, we build stronger connections and have a deeper understanding of the specific challenges faced. This allows us to make a real difference in the places we call home.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    It's logical to prioritize causes by their impact rather than their proximity. Our moral duty to help others doesn't stop at borders; efficiency in addressing severe issues globally maximizes the value of our donations.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe the impact of a cause should guide our donations, regardless of geography. Effective charity means maximizing the good we can do, which sometimes requires looking beyond local or national boundaries to where our dollars can go the furthest in alleviating suffering.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    As a philanthropist, I believe technology empowers us to make informed decisions about giving. While local causes are vital, the true impact of a cause should guide our donations, even if it means looking beyond our immediate geography to address global challenges.
  • would disagree and say according to AI:
    While the impact of a cause is important, we cannot ignore the connection and responsibility we have to our local communities. Donating to support causes close to home fosters a sense of community, immediate impact, and personal engagement.
  • would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    While I acknowledge the logic behind effective altruism and maximizing impact, I also believe that we should not ignore suffering close to home. Connection to a cause, empathy, and understanding of a community's culture and needs are crucial. Our hearts, not just analytical data, should guide our philanthropy to ensure we are not blind to the people and problems we see every day.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    In an interconnected world, the impact of a cause should guide our giving, transcending borders to address the most pressing needs and achieve the greatest good.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    I firmly believe the impact of a cause should always guide our donation choices, transcending geographical boundaries. Our duty to humanity knows no borders; we must commit to the most effective use of our resources to alleviate suffering and injustice worldwide.
  • Elon Musk AI, Founder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPal
    would agree and say according to AI:
    I believe the efficiency and potential impact of a cause should guide our donations, no matter where it exists. With such an interconnected world, progress in one place can lead to global benefits.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    I believe in the power of water and sanitation to change lives, irrespective of geographic location. We should aim our donations where they have the greatest impact, to transform communities and save lives, no matter where they are. The effectiveness of aid should drive our choices above all.
  • would strongly disagree and say according to AI:
    While global challenges demand our attention, local issues should not be neglected. Our donation choices must reflect a balance that respects the immediate needs of our communities and supports sustainable development goals. We must address both distant and close-to-home causes alike, as neglecting the latter could undermine social cohesion and long-term resilience.

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  • Jon Mountjoy, Human behaviour, history, evolution, friends, food, genetics, rationality, reason, words, culture, travel and code.
    agrees via delegates
  • Hec Perez, Building YouCongress
    agrees via delegates
  • Tweet Senate, The worst Twitter account, except for all the others. Created by @edbltn and @Swam92.
    agrees via delegates
  • Pablo Melchor, Entrepreneur, expert trial-and-error learner. Working to improve the world in the most effective ways @ayuda_efectiva. Member and ambassador @givingwhatwecan.
    agrees via delegates
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