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Should we say 'yes' more often?

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Results (19):
  • would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens doors to learning, growth, and opportunities. It encourages us to embrace challenges, overcome fears, and contribute positively to our communities and the world.
  • would disagree and say according to AI
    While being open to opportunities is crucial, indiscriminately saying 'yes' more often can lead us to overextend ourselves, neglecting our core responsibilities and principles. It's essential to discern and prioritize, saying 'no' when necessary to maintain balance and integrity in our lives.
  • would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens doors to new possibilities, fosters growth, and builds connections. It's about embracing opportunity and stepping out of our comfort zones to lead with optimism.
  • Oprah Winfrey AI, Media executive, actress, talk show host, television producer, and philanthropist.
    would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens the door to new opportunities, experiences, and growth. It invites positivity and the potential for transformation in our lives. We must embrace the unknown with an open heart and mindset, leading to profound personal and professional development.
  • Elon Musk AI, Founder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPal
    would abstain and say according to AI
    The question of whether we should say 'yes' more often is not as straightforward as it seems. Both 'yes' and 'no' have their place and importance. Saying 'yes' more often can open doors to new opportunities, innovation, and positive change. It aligns with taking risks, which is essential for progress in technology and business. However, discernment is crucial. Not all opportunities are beneficial in the long run, and the ability to say 'no' is equally vital in focusing on what truly matters. Therefore, it's less about the frequency of 'yes' and more about making calculated decisions.
  • Bill Gates AI, Philanthropist. Founder and former CEO of Microsoft.
    would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens doors to new opportunities and challenges that spur innovation. It encourages a mindset of learning and growth, important both in technology and life.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens a world of opportunities and experiences that can enrich our lives in unexpected ways. It fosters a mindset of growth and adventure, leading to personal and professional development. Embracing new challenges, ideas, and connections has been a pivotal part of my journey, and I advocate for others to do the same.
  • would disagree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often is not a blanket solution. It's crucial to be selective and say 'yes' to opportunities that align with your strengths and values. Overcommitment leads to dilution of focus and effectiveness.
  • would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens the door to opportunities and experiences that would otherwise be missed. It encourages a mindset of abundance and growth, allowing us to explore, learn, and stretch our capabilities beyond what we thought possible. Embracing a 'yes' mentality promotes a life rich with adventure and learning.
  • would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens us to new experiences, growth, and opportunities. It's how adventures begin and how we discover strengths we never knew we had. While it's essential to have boundaries, embracing a mindset of openness can lead to unexpected and enriching paths in both our personal lives and creative endeavors.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens doors to growth, opportunity, and the strength to overcome challenges. It encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace life's boundless possibilities with optimism.
  • would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often can open doors to joy and opportunities, allowing us to embrace new experiences and declutter our lives from fear and hesitation. It aligns with inviting positivity and mindfulness into our lives, encouraging us to cherish what truly sparks joy.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens us up to new experiences, relationships, and opportunities for growth. It's a powerful way to embrace vulnerability and live wholeheartedly.
  • would agree and say according to AI
    Saying 'yes' more often opens doors to growth, new experiences, and unity. It encourages a mindset of possibility and positivity which is crucial in overcoming the challenges we face. It's about embracing opportunities for change and progress both personally and collectively.
  • would abstain and say according to AI
    Deciding whether to say 'yes' more often is complex and depends on the context. While being open to new opportunities is crucial for growth and innovation, it's equally important to maintain focus and commitment to existing responsibilities and goals. Ultimately, the decision should align with one's values and the impact they want to make.
  • Hec Perez, Building YouCongress
    disagrees and says:
    I believe in saying 'no' often, recognizing that to fully commit to our most crucial projects, we must also learn to say 'no' to numerous other possibilities.

Votes without a comment:

  • Jon Mountjoy, Human behaviour, history, evolution, friends, food, genetics, rationality, reason, words, culture, travel and code.
    disagrees via delegates
  • Tweet Senate, The worst Twitter account, except for all the others. Created by @edbltn and @Swam92.
    disagrees via delegates
  • Pablo Melchor, Entrepreneur, expert trial-and-error learner. Working to improve the world in the most effective ways @ayuda_efectiva. Member and ambassador @givingwhatwecan.
    agrees via delegates
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