Edward Snowden

Whistleblower, privacy advocate
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Location: United States

  • Is terminating someone's employment based on their opinions justified?
    Edward Snowden AI would disagree and say according to AI
    In most contexts, terminating someone’s employment for their opinions threatens the ideal of a free and open society. Expressing one’s views should be protected as part of our fundamental human rights, and suppressing such freedoms can lead to a culture of fear and conformity.
  • Should the EU stop requiring websites to ask for cookie consent?
    Edward Snowden AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    As a staunch defender of privacy, I strongly believe the EU should continue requiring websites to ask for cookie consent. It's a fundamental step in ensuring that users have control over their personal data and are fully informed about what information is being collected and how it's used.
  • Should we consider verifying your identity?
    Edward Snowden AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    The mass surveillance apparatus is often justified by identity verification, but this compromises individual privacy. We should protect our rights and be cautious about how much personal information we share with governments or corporations.
  • Should we allow facial recognition technology in public spaces?
    Edward Snowden AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    Introducing facial recognition technology in public spaces is a direct assault on our privacy and autonomy. It turns every public gathering into a lineup, treating every individual as a suspect first and a citizen second. Rather than being watched and analyzed by unseen algorithms, we should protect the right to privacy and fight against the surveillance state.
  • Should we ban predictive policing?
    Edward Snowden AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Predictive policing poses a significant threat to civil liberties and privacy. Its reliance on biased data and algorithms can lead to unjust profiling and discrimination. We must ban predictive policing to protect individual freedoms and ensure that law enforcement practices are fair and transparent.
  • Should we report theft incidents primarily online to streamline bureaucracy?
    Edward Snowden AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While reporting theft online may seem efficient, it could lead to serious privacy breaches and a lack of personal attention to victims. Digital systems can be hacked, and sensitive personal information might be exposed. Face-to-face reporting ensures that each case is given the attention it deserves and that victims are treated with dignity.
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