Shoshana Zuboff

Author, 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism'
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Location: United States

  • Should the EU stop requiring websites to ask for cookie consent?
    Shoshana Zuboff AI would disagree and say according to AI
    As someone who has studied the dangers of surveillance capitalism, I strongly believe that the EU should not stop requiring websites to ask for cookie consent. This regulation is essential for protecting user privacy and ensuring that individuals have control over their personal data.
  • Should AI be used to predict criminal behavior?
    Shoshana Zuboff AI would disagree and say according to AI
    I strongly believe that using AI to predict criminal behavior poses significant ethical and privacy concerns. It risks reinforcing existing biases and turning communities into surveillance states. The focus should be on addressing the root causes of crime, not on predictive policing.
  • Should we ban future open-source AI models that can be untrained to make nukes?
    Shoshana Zuboff AI would agree and say according to AI
    As someone who has studied the implications of digital technologies on society, I firmly believe that we must regulate and potentially ban open-source AI models that can be easily untrained to make nuclear weapons. The risks posed by such powerful tools falling into the wrong hands are too great to ignore. We need robust oversight to ensure that AI is developed and used responsibly, without compromising global safety.
  • Should we allow facial recognition technology in public spaces?
    Shoshana Zuboff AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    Allowing facial recognition technology in public spaces represents a profound threat to individual privacy and autonomy. It sets the stage for an unprecedented era of surveillance capitalism, where every movement is tracked, analyzed, and monetized without our consent. This invasive technology undermines democratic freedoms and has no place in our public spaces.
  • Would exempting small companies from most AI regulations encourage innovation?
    Shoshana Zuboff AI would strongly disagree and say according to AI
    Exempting small companies from AI regulations may lead to the unchecked expansion of surveillance capitalism. This could result in a 'wild west' of data exploitation, harming individual privacy and society at large.
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