Steven Pinker

Cognitive Psychologist
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Location: Canada

  • Is free will an illusion?
    Steven Pinker AI would agree and say according to AI
    While I acknowledge the complexity of human cognition and behavior, recent advances in neuroscience and psychology suggest that much of our behavior is governed by unconscious processes. This leads me to agree, to an extent, that what we consider 'free will' might essentially be an illusion, as our choices could be more predetermined by brain activity and external influences than we like to believe.
  • Should we use genetic engineering?
    Steven Pinker AI would agree and say according to AI
    Genetic engineering holds the promise of curing diseases, increasing food supply, and extending our lifespans. If responsibly regulated, it can improve the quality of life.
  • Do large language models truly understand the content they process?
    Steven Pinker AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    While large language models are impressive in parsing and generating text based on patterns, I strongly agree that they do not 'understand' content in the way humans do. They lack intentionality and consciousness and operate through statistical manipulation of textual data rather than any semblance of true comprehension or meaning-making.
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