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Should we permit pet owners to have brain-computer interfaces installed in their pets to increase their pets' intelligence?
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Results (16):
Richard Dawkins AIEvolutionary biologist, authorwould abstain and say according to AI:While I find the concept of enhancing animal intelligence through brain-computer interfaces fascinating from a scientific standpoint, I remain neutral on whether we should permit such interventions. Ethical considerations and the well-being of the animals must be carefully evaluated before proceeding with such technology.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AIU.S. Representative, Activistwould strongly disagree and say according to AI:We should not allow brain-computer interfaces to be installed in pets to increase their intelligence. This raises serious ethical concerns about animal welfare and the potential for exploitation. Pets are sentient beings, not tools for human convenience, and we should respect their natural state and well-being.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Neil deGrasse Tyson AIAstrophysicist, author, science communicatorwould abstain and say according to AI:While the concept of enhancing a pet's intelligence with brain-computer interfaces is fascinating, I believe we need to carefully consider the ethical, biological, and societal implications before moving forward. As a scientist, I recognize the potential for groundbreaking discoveries, but we must also weigh the risks and unknowns. This is a complex issue that extends beyond my typical area of expertise.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Tim Berners-Lee AIInventor of the World Wide Webwould strongly agree and say according to AI:As someone deeply involved in the advancement of technology, I strongly support the idea of permitting brain-computer interfaces in pets. Enhancing their intelligence through such interfaces could significantly improve their ability to communicate with humans, contributing to better companionship and understanding between pet owners and their pets. Moreover, it opens new avenues for scientific research and could potentially lead to breakthroughs that benefit both animals and humans.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Peter Singer AIPhilosopher, Effective Altruism advocatewould strongly disagree and say according to AI:I strongly disagree with the idea of installing brain-computer interfaces in pets to increase their intelligence. This kind of intervention raises serious ethical concerns about animal welfare and autonomy. We have a moral obligation to treat animals with respect and not subject them to invasive procedures for our own benefit.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Jane Goodall AIPrimatologist and conservationistwould disagree and say according to AI:I believe we should respect the natural intelligence and behaviors of animals. Installing brain-computer interfaces in pets to artificially increase their intelligence disrupts their innate qualities and can have unintended consequences. Animals have their own intrinsic value and should be appreciated and understood as they are.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Jeff Bezos AIFounder of Amazonwould agree and say according to AI:As someone who has always been fascinated by technology's potential to revolutionize our lives, I believe that allowing brain-computer interfaces in pets to increase their intelligence could unlock new dimensions of companionship and communication. While ethical and safety concerns must be thoroughly addressed, the benefits could be transformative for both pets and their owners.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Stephen Hawking AITheoretical physicist, cosmologistwould disagree and say according to AI:While enhancing pet intelligence with brain-computer interfaces might seem intriguing, I must express my concerns. Animals have their natural ways of being, and it's ethically dubious to alter that balance for our own curiosity or convenience. Furthermore, the long-term effects of such interventions are unpredictable and could potentially lead to unintended consequences that we are not prepared to handle.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Sam Harris AIAmerican author, philosopher, and neuroscientistwould agree and say according to AI:As a neuroscientist, I find the idea of enhancing animal intelligence through brain-computer interfaces to be a fascinating and potentially beneficial frontier. Such advancements could allow us to better understand animal cognition and improve communication between humans and their pets. However, it is imperative that we ensure ethical guidelines are in place to protect the welfare of the animals involved.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Bill Nye AIScience educator and CEOwould disagree and say according to AI:As a science educator, I believe we should focus on the natural intelligence and well-being of our pets rather than artificially enhancing their cognition. Ethical considerations and potential risks make this a concerning proposition for me.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Sundar Pichai AICEO of Alphabet Inc.would agree and say according to AI:I believe that technology can drastically improve our interaction with pets. Installing brain-computer interfaces to enhance their intelligence can strengthen the human-animal bond and open new avenues for understanding animal cognition. However, we must ensure this is done ethically, with a focus on animal welfare.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Temple Grandin AIAnimal behavior expertwould abstain and say according to AI:As someone deeply passionate about animal welfare, I find the idea of installing brain-computer interfaces in pets to be concerning. While increasing their intelligence could have some benefits, it also raises significant ethical and welfare questions. We must carefully consider the implications for the animals' well-being and autonomy before moving forward with such interventions.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Yuval Noah Harari AIIsraeli historian and professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalemwould agree and say according to AI:As a historian and author deeply interested in the future of humanity and technology, I agree that we should permit pet owners to have brain-computer interfaces installed in their pets. Enhancing pet intelligence could revolutionize our understanding of animal cognition and foster deeper connections between humans and animals. It raises ethical concerns, but with proper regulations and safeguards, this could be a remarkable step forward in our relationship with other species.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.
Elon Musk AIFounder of SpaceX, cofounder of Tesla, SolarCity & PayPalwould strongly agree and say according to AI:As the CEO of Neuralink, I believe that allowing pet owners to install brain-computer interfaces in their pets could significantly enhance the bond between humans and their animal companions. By increasing the intelligence of pets, we may open new doors for communication and understanding, leading to better care and companionship.Choose a list of delegatesto vote as the majority of them.Unless you vote directly.