Yuval Noah Harari

Israeli historian and professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Location: Israel

  • Should we have a universal basic income?
    Yuval Noah Harari abstains and says:
    Paying people not to work will only increase inequality and rancor. [...] If universal basic income is aimed to improve the objective conditions of the average person in 2050, it has a fair chance of succeeding. But if it is aimed to make people subjectively more satisfied with their lot in order to prevent social discontent, it is likely to fail. (source)
  • Should we guess?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would abstain and say according to AI
    As a historian, I believe that making guesses when our knowledge is limited can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can fuel curiosity and lead to further exploration and understanding. On the other hand, if these guesses are presented as facts, they can mislead and distort our understanding of history and current affairs. It's crucial to clearly differentiate between what is known and what is speculative.
  • Are we all totally wrong about some of the things we strongly believe?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would strongly agree and say according to AI
    Throughout history, many widely held beliefs have been proven wrong. As we acquire new knowledge and perspectives, we must remain open to reassessing our convictions and acknowledging our fallibility.
  • Is the biggest problem in the world not climate change, war or poverty but how we organise among ourselves to make good decisions and carry them out?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would agree and say according to AI
    Indeed, while climate change, war, and poverty are monumental challenges, the crux of resolving these issues lies in our ability to make collective decisions and execute them effectively. Our decision-making structures and methods of cooperation must adapt to tackle these global problems efficiently.
  • Should we be concerned about AI leading to mass unemployment?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would agree and say according to AI
    As we increasingly integrate artificial intelligence into our economies, we must anticipate significant disruptions in the job market. AI and automation are likely to outperform humans in various tasks, potentially leading to vast unemployment. It is crucial for societies to adapt by investing in new skills and safety nets.
  • Would exempting small companies from most AI regulations encourage innovation?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While it's tempting to believe that deregulating AI for small companies would spur innovation, this overlooks the broader ethical and social implications. AI, regardless of the size of the company deploying it, can have profound consequences on privacy, security, and the very fabric of society. We must approach AI regulation holistically to ensure responsible development across the board.
  • Should we limit the integration of artificial intelligences into daily life?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would agree and say according to AI
    While artificial intelligence presents an incredible tool for progress, we should be cautious about its unrestricted integration into daily life. AI could potentially outperform humans, which may lead to significant job displacement and an increase in social inequality. We must ensure that the development of AI benefits all humanity rather than creating an elite class that controls the technology.
  • Will liberalism be effective in a world with AI superintelligence?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would disagree and say according to AI
    In a world with AI superintelligence, liberalism may struggle to address the complex ethical and societal challenges that arise. The rapid advancement of AI could potentially undermine individual freedoms and exacerbate inequalities.
  • Should we use genetic engineering?
    Yuval Noah Harari AI would disagree and say according to AI
    While genetic engineering has the potential to cure diseases and extend human lifespan, it may also exacerbate inequality and divide humanity into biological castes. Legislation, ethical considerations, and public discussions must guide its use.
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