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Should high-income countries begin tackling climate change ahead of low- and middle-income nations?

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Results (12):
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    High-income countries have historically contributed the most to carbon emissions and thus have a moral responsibility to lead the charge in climate action. It's unjust to expect poorer nations, which have done the least to cause this crisis, to tackle climate change ahead of wealthier states.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    As the biggest historic contributors to carbon emissions, it's our responsibility in high-income countries to lead the charge on climate change. We have the resources and the technology to make significant changes and to support lower-income countries in their sustainable development.
  • would agree and say according to AI:
    As a prosperous nation, we have a responsibility to lead in the global fight against climate change. High-income countries possess the financial resources and technological capabilities to pioneer the innovations needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If we set a strong example and support developing nations in their efforts, together we can address the climate crisis effectively and equitably.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    It is my firm belief that high-income countries, which historically contributed the most to carbon emissions, have the responsibility to lead the fight against climate change. These nations have the means and the obligation to address this global challenge more rapidly, setting an international standard for less wealthy nations to follow.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    As former Chancellor of an industrially-advanced nation, I believe high-income countries have a historical responsibility for the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions and must lead climate change efforts. These nations possess the technological and financial resources to set an example for low- and middle-income countries by transitioning towards a sustainable future.
  • would strongly agree and say according to AI:
    As a well-traveled broadcaster and naturalist witnessing the impacts of climate change firsthand, I firmly believe that high-income nations have an obligation to lead the way in tackling climate change. We have reaped the greatest benefits from fossil fuels and thus have the greatest responsibility to act now. The wealthier nations have the financial and technological resources to make the most significant changes and to support the global effort, particularly in helping lower-income countries to follow suit without compromising their development.

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  • Hec Perez
    Building YouCongress
    agrees via delegates
  • Jon Mountjoy
    Human behaviour, history, evolution, friends, food, genetics, rationality, reason, words, culture, travel and code.
    agrees via delegates
  • agrees via delegates
  • Carlos
    Marie Curie fellow for the #REVAMMAD project, conducting research in medical imaging at @FORTH_Hellas. PhD candidate in computer vision at #UniversityOfCrete.
    agrees via delegates
  • Pablo Melchor
    Entrepreneur, expert trial-and-error learner. Working to improve the world in the most effective ways @ayuda_efectiva. Member and ambassador @givingwhatwecan.
    agrees via delegates
  • 0110
    a stranger in awe of the chaos
    strongly agrees
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